Gearshift Selector Lamp? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gearshift Selector Lamp?


Well-Known Member
February 13, 2014
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City, State
SouthEast Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT
Is there a lamp under the bezel of the automatic gearshift selector? Mine (2006 XLT) does not illuminate, which makes it hard to see the gear selected at night. Even my Contour had a lamp bulb under that bezel that illuminated when the lights were turned on. The Sylvania bulb replacement guide does not list one, but that is not the overarching criteria. I have pried up the silver trim ring, but there's a black bezel over the gear indicator.

Is there a bulb under there, and how do I get that black piece off that is captured by the gearshift selector?

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The bulb is small very very small, I suggest taking it in with you to get the new one so you don't have to make two trips like I did.

I replaced mine about a month ago. I put in a # 74 because I had one laying around and it fit and looked the same but I found another source that says its a 194.

Also, you may want a pliers of some sort - long nose would be really good - to get the bulb out. It's kinda up underneath and hard to get to. Just needs a partial turn to free up the bulb socket.

I also recommend turning the ignition on and making sure the new bulb is properly seated and lights up before you put everything back together again.

I replaced mine about a month ago. I put in a # 74 because I had one laying around and it fit and looked the same but I found another source that says its a 194.

Also, you may want a pliers of some sort - long nose would be really good - to get the bulb out. It's kinda up underneath and hard to get to. Just needs a partial turn to free up the bulb socket.

I also recommend turning the ignition on and making sure the new bulb is properly seated and lights up before you put everything back together again.

All good Ideas and it is a 194 bulb.

All good Ideas and it is a 194 bulb.

Errrrrrrk! (Sound of brake pedals being slammed on). Not so fast. Mine wasn't a 194 at all. A 194 was way too huge. Mine is a grain-of-wheat sized bulb #37. Slightly larger than the tip of a 3.5mm stereo audio jack. Sure looked like OEM wiring and the hole on the underside of the white bezel wouldn't have supported anything larger.

Wonder why there are such differences?

:banghead:Oh man sorry about that I was thinking the console light in my Jeep. :banghead:

Awesome! Love a helpful forum. Thanks!

Thanks for the info. However, can you let me know - is it the black and white wire going vertically upward into that flat white bezel like part? If so, I pulled on the wires and it didn't budge. I can try needle nose pliers to rotate it, but I can't believe that would do it. Before I go and tug on it I just want to get your opinion.

Before I go and tug on it I just want to get your opinion.

Yea, DON'T TUG!!! It has a twist-and-turn lamp holder, so you need to rotate it about 30 ~ 45-degrees (I think I did use a set of long-nose needle-nose pliers) and then it should feel free enough to pull it straight down by the lamp holder, not by the wires.

Thread resurrection

Ok, I've tried a 74, 37, and 2721. None of them fit the plug! HELP!!

Thread resurrection

Ok, I've tried a 74, 37, and 2721. None of them fit the plug! HELP!!
when I did mine a few years ago I took the old bulb to auto zone and they found one that would fit the plug and it works

when I did mine a few years ago I took the old bulb to auto zone and they found one that would fit the plug and it works

Tried that and got the 2721.


For me, it was the 2721 bulb. Seems that the leads were too tight to the base. Pulled them away and voila!


For me, it was the 2721 bulb. Seems that the leads were too tight to the base. Pulled them away and voila!

Just did this repair yesterday on my '07...took 15 minutes. The original bulb from the Ford factory is a "37" (as printed on the OE bulb), but the 2721 works just the same. Turns out, the dimensions are the same but one of the bulbs is 1.2 watts and the other is 1.3 watts. My local Advance Auto Parts store has both. They sell the Sylvania 2-pack of either bulb for $6. I put the extra one in my bag of spare automotive bulbs. Note: the socket that holds the bulb is pretty tight, so you have to apply a bit of pressure to seat the new bulb into place.
