Going on a 1300 Mile Trip in my Explorer - Have a few questions... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Going on a 1300 Mile Trip in my Explorer - Have a few questions...


Active Member
July 18, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Williamsburg, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Ironman V8
I have 125k on my 02 V6 XLT, and it's been fairly reliable so far. However, I do have that annoying rear end roar that seems to occur between 50-70.

First question: Is it safe to take this trip on this rear end roar? And does anyone know exactly what the hell that noise is? When I let off the accel, the noise calms, and when I apply throttle, it comes back. :confused:

Second question: What do you recommend I have looked at before leaving? Other than oil change, tranny oil levels, etc.

Also, my friggin airbag light is on. :( Is that an ez fix?

Thanks for your help.

Check your tire pressure too include your spare.
