Good places to mount additional speakers? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Good places to mount additional speakers?


sorry it took me a couple of days to reply. I haven't checked the board in awhile. My system consists of a Denon CD player, Focal Polykevlar seperates in the front, a JL Audio 10W6 in a Stealthbox in the back, all powered by an Xtant 3300x. The system is loud and very, very clean, although I'm always looking for upgrades (damn this hobby...). The reason that you are getting distortion when you crank the volume is that your head unit (I'm assuming that is what you are running your door speakers off of) does not have much power, and the internal amps are "clipping," or at their peak level of output. This is very damaging to speakers, especially tweeters. I'd definitely recommend getting an amp.



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Hey Mike92,

You have a W6 in your stealthbox? Is it a JL box? All this time in an old post, people were mulling over not being able to get a W6, because it was too deep for the stealthbox. If you installed the sub in the box yourself, how much space was left behind the sub?


Hey JTang

Yup, we got a W6 to fit. As I remember, it just barely fit; there is probably half an inch or so behind it. There really should be more, but it sounds incredible as it is. The W3 series doesn't fit (we tried), but I wanted an SQ sub, not an SPL sub, so that was alright.



Asugolf14 - I was wondering, are you using the stock head unit? or aftermarket? A friend of mine had his set-up something like yours, he had all factory headunit and front and rear speakers and added a sub and amp and it sound better than the factory set-up, but when he turned it up it distorted. If you have this set-up the best thing to do is amp all the speakers and make sure you bypass the factory amp, I believe there is a adaptor to do this.


Thanks for the info. I think that is all I have to do is just get an amp to run to my speakers.

I have an alpine head unit, not the factory.


'93 Explorer Slightly Modified

I had the same problem with distortion at high levels but once I bypassed the amp no more problems. I think it has to do something with the aftermarket headunit putting out more power than the stock amp.


How did you bypass the amp? Did you run your speakers to a different amp then?? Thanks

'93 Explorer slightly modified

To bypass the amp I purchased a wiring harness from Crutchfield for $10. All you do is unplug the harness from the top of the amp and the harness from the bottom of the amp and plug each harness into it's respective end on the bypass harness. You could just rewire but that gets to be a pain.


Are you running the speakers to another amp then?? Thanks

'93 Explorer slightly modified
