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July 24, 2010
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I'm looking into getting gps.. I'm not a on the road all the time so I dont need anything super high.. But I was looking into a few and find that some say traffic info so you can avoid traffic jams, some doesnt say that is that standerd or something you do not get on all of them.. Plus i'm not sure about what brand to look for, the best economy name. Garmain, tomtom, magellian. whats your input.

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GPS Garmin 265WT

I've been really satisfied with my Garmin 265WT. Has Traffic, detours, voice directions and is easily moved between my work cars (drive different vehicles almost every day at work). About $175 at one of the big box discount stores.
Bill W

Thanks. I'll look into it. I was thinking about one of the 100 dollar ones or one on sale for that.. I know you get what you pay for but I dont really need anything crazy high.. Does traffic cost a subscription or is it included..

Thanks. I'll look into it. I was thinking about one of the 100 dollar ones or one on sale for that.. I know you get what you pay for but I dont really need anything crazy high.. Does traffic cost a subscription or is it included..

It's included--lifetime. A friend bought one of the $100 ones, never could get it to work right, wound up throwing it away, because the store wouldn't take it back, knicked the finish trying to get it to work. You really do get what you pay for, sometimes cheaper isn't better, it's just cheaper. Good Luck.

The $100 ones I have seen are just gps and most do not have software maps. I know folks who use the Tom Tom and like it well. My son has a Megellan and has had some trouble with it. I have a JOTO desk in my trucks for my laptop and run Delorme stuff. They have a street atlas program and small gps receiver package deal like this one if you carry and use a laptop. But my friend is having trouble with some of Delorme's 3D stuff and the new video chips in laptops. That would be on a Topo Program not the street atlas. Best thing I can say is to get a list of the one you would consider buying and then search on those models and see what comes up from folks. Good luck.

Best bet is to find a mid-level Garmin like the 265 on newegg or even a refurb on eBay for about $120. All the software is updated, and ready to roll with traffic, etc...
