Have you ever wondered what the airport does with your confiscated items? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Have you ever wondered what the airport does with your confiscated items?


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November 11, 2005
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If you have ever wondered what the airport does with your confiscated items, such as pocket knives, nail clippers, etc., just read this link: http://money.aol.com/news/dailypulse/020706?id=20060207102809990001&ncid=NWS00010000000001 These guys are making a fortune off what they are stealing from passengers. They should really put it in a box, and mail it back to your home address, or P.O. box. According to this article, they take this stuff not to protect passengers, but to actually make a huge profit! They have many excuses that they hide behind. Some may be valid, other ones are just to steal items that they know they could profit from.

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That was posted a long time ago. I bought 50 pounds of knives and made $400+ profit. Recently they've been pulling out the good stuff and selling it seperately. *******s.

how and where did you buy those knives? seems like a good way to make an extra buck.

I think Husky bought them on eBay if I recall correctly.

Oh but wait it does. its heavy and bulky and has sharp edges. Heaven forbid the trans fluid that rmains in there catches fire and takes down the whole plane. Or if it got into the passenger area, the man could pick it up and throw it. ok sorry bout that lol.

But when you look at it, in the planes, i still get metal knifes and forks with my airplane meals......does anyone still see any irony in that?

[QUOTE='97 V8]But when you look at it, in the planes, i still get metal knifes and forks with my airplane meals......does anyone still see any irony in that?[/QUOTE]

You do?? Every airport I've been to uses plastic ones. That was the only time I've eaten at an Applebee's using a plastic knife to cut a steak (crappy Applebee's steak I might add).

Maybe if nobody would buy the confiscated (or legally stolen) items from them, they would have no market, and stop taking so much stuff from people. If they seem to have a market, they will get greedy, and try to take as much as they can. I'm surprised the government didn't try to get in on this. They seem to have a hand in anything that people are making money with.

BrooklynBay said:
Maybe if nobody would buy the confiscated (or legally stolen) items from them, they would have no market, and stop taking so much stuff from people. If they seem to have a market, they will get greedy, and try to take as much as they can. I'm surprised the government didn't try to get in on this. They seem to have a hand in anything that people are making money with.
So if the knives stopped selling they'd stop confiscating them? They don't care what the stuff sells for. They have thousands of pounds of confiscated items and instead of storing them they're selling them. It gives them more storage space and more money.

section525 said:
You do?? Every airport I've been to uses plastic ones. That was the only time I've eaten at an Applebee's using a plastic knife to cut a steak (crappy Applebee's steak I might add).

You have to sit it first class and they give you metal utensils. I had a fork knife and spoon. Got to love first class upgrades when I was flying a bunch :D

What the airport security never thought about is that if they give metal utensils, and first class is in the front near the ****pit, the pilot is the first one to be in danger. The items they are stealing from people that sit in the back of the plane are not as much of a threat. A person with a knife, or nail clipper wouldn't make it to the ****pit. They would get stopped trying to get across all of the rows by a skymarshall, or other brave people that are pasengers. I think the airlines should review their policies before confiscating items. If they do decide to confiscate something, they should put it into a box, and mail it back to their owner, and not try to sell it.

Pennsylvania uses eBay to resell those items all the time.


Back when the airlines weren't bankrupt or close to it, every passenger received metal utensils. I still have a set of American Airlines tiny silverware somewhere around here. :)

AdamCKach said:
I still have a set of American Airlines tiny silverware somewhere around here. :)
YOU are the reason of the airline downfall! Stealing silverware!!!

I know in this area the steel mills will buy a ton of items from the airlines and melt it down into new rolls of steel. I know they're able to turn a few hundred knifes into a ton of new steel. The best thing I've heard yet though is that they're going to take old tires, melt them down and take the steel cords out of the inside and turn those into new rolls. Got to love what being a broke industry will do to you. :D

Recycling is a good thing. It reduces the amount of wasted materials, makes less land fills, and produces new items that are sold at a lower cost (hopefully). I know that Ford recycles tires, and makes rubber brake pedal covers, and in India they use tires for the rubber that prosthetic limbs are made out of.
