Hazard flashing when door opened | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hazard flashing when door opened


June 27, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport 4WD

past week-end, I removed the shift morot to clean it and try to find out why the 4X4 engaged ok and the low range did not... after replacing all, I decided to unplug the neg. cable of the battery. When I reconnected the cable, the hazard lights flashed many times... I told my friend it was a kind of reset from the EEC-IV but since, each time I open the door, the hazard light flashes the stop after 5-10 minutes. Not over yet, when key is at 'on' the lights flashes again... NOw when I go on the road, My !#!# hazards lights flashes for at least 5-10 minutes!

Any ideas?


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Damn! maybe it could be the old Remote sratrer that was installed before I bought the truck!?? I'll try to disconnect is this and I'll come back!


HUmmm... it's not that remote starter. I disconnected it and it stil flasg again! Dont really know what could be the problem. any ideas?

Was probably the front friver side Hazard relay that toasted! I Began by unpluger the rear relay, then the boring open door warning relay and the the front one! After unpluged it all, I started reconnecting the rear Hazard relay->OK open door -> OK.
Reconnect the front Hazard-> NOT OK! There was a lot of wires connected to it that came from remote sarter. Probably a shortcut or a dead relay!
