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March 5, 2009
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95 Eddie Bauer Edition
My name is Tom, I live in Iowa. I have a 95 Explore Eddie Bauer Edition. I am 17 and thats about it. I drive the explore during the winter and in the summer me and my friends throw the boat in the back and drive down to the pond. My other car is a 95 Lincoln Mark 8. Living in Iowa the old explore has been thought many snow drifts, dirt roads and other things that it should have not even been able to make it thought. The other day my friend got stuck on a dirt road in his Chevy with 35's but the explore made it down there to pick him up:)

anyways what brings me here is now the search for new tires. What do you guys suggest for mine. I would like something that is a good mud tire but yet a decent ride. here is a pic from a while ago but still the same thing.

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Thanks i really liek this site its so big i get lost in it:)

welcome burt

In my opinion you should go get you some lift shackles and lift the back 2 inches and tighten up your torsion bars (look up TT and shackle lift) and fit you some 31s under it, will help out. you can also get a Perforamance accesories 3 inch body lift and with the BL and the TT and SHackle lift you can get 33s under that puppy if you wanted. The bl only cost around 200 bucks also, im thinking about attempting it my self.

Hey Tom, nice picture. I can tell that the it's gorgeous in the background, where you live. I've been to Iowa a few times and it has a peacefulness that's hard to come by here in California.

Don't have any tire recommendations since I don't own my first car yet, but I'd check out some other threads, there are lots here to look through.
