Hello From Kennesaw Ga | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello From Kennesaw Ga


New Member
January 1, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta Ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Sport
I just recently purchased a 1999 Explorer Sport 2wd OHV to replace my 03 Neon SRT4 as a daily (so she can become a weekend fun car and garage queen), and also be able to tow a trailer for my 4 wheelers.

Found many of the common quirks associated with this vehicle, but well on my way of getting them worked out due to this awesome forum! So far this weekend I've repaired a few of the issues:

Throttle cable slack - I was getting maybe 1/4 throttle, man did that wake it up!

O/D Button - Both wires were worn/broken, re soldered and works great now.

Cluster lights - Replaced Tach and Coolant Temp/Fuel Gage bulbs

Drivers Door Lock Actuator - Got the door panel off and found the actuator just flopping around, will tackle that repair today.

Still have left:

Coolant Temp Gage - doesn't move at all, I will be trouble shooting that today.

Stereo CD player - randomly the cd decides to work, that will be replaced with an IPod control stereo.

Tires and alignment - Also go through the suspension looking for excessive worn items but the truck only has 135,000 miles.

Rear Window Wiper - Doesn't wipe or spray.

All-in-all, the truck is very solid and clean. Interior has no stains/rips/missing items and everything else works as should. Exterior is free from fading/rust/dents and all parts are there with minimal dings. I feel I got a great deal for a mere 1500.00

I look forward to getting to know the community and hopefully will have something to offer in return.

