Hello, Let the insanity begin... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello, Let the insanity begin...

4X50 Exploder

Well-Known Member
December 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Spokane, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92XLT W/'50 Ford F-1 Body
Just joining today from WA State. I have a crazy project truck under way and just wanted to get on the fourm to start building my knowledge of explorers so I can build this thing right the first time...

For some insane reason, I thought it would be "Fun" to take a 1950, Ford, F-1 and put it onto a 4X4 chassis. I picked up a '92 XLT for the donor truck and have began stripping them in hopes of getting the needed welding done on the frame this winter while it's too cold to do any other work...

I am toying with the idea of a good lift package and exaust system before I start putting things together so that's why I am here. There seem to be so many options, I want to see what kind of setups people are happy with before I start wasting money.

It's a crazy goal for a 48 yr old, full time unemployed student, to take this on but I hope to have it rolling in time for my 50th birthday...

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Welcome To The Site. Sounds like an interesting project. Post some pictures via photobucket and let us see your progress if ya like. If you're looking for lift there are several options but depends on what your lift height goal is.

For future reference you could buy an Elite membership for easy uploading or go to photobucket upload them and then paste the codes in here and they'll show up.

Welcome To The Site. Sounds like an interesting project. Post some pictures via photobucket and let us see your progress if ya like. If you're looking for lift there are several options but depends on what your lift height goal is.

A lift is on the list, I think I better start by figuring out what the weight of the explorer is with and with out the body and then how heavy the 50's body is so I don't end up with less lift than I expected. I can't afford this project as is much less re-doing stuff! I hope to bring it up about 3" more than stock and make it as trail ready as I can with that amount...

Don't want to make it look stupid, just odd! Kind of a one of a kind sleeper/daily driver. I hope to have the truck look very close to stock until you take a second look or see it off the pavement...

For future reference you could buy an Elite membership for easy uploading or go to photobucket upload them and then paste the codes in here and they'll show up.

I'm sure that's the way to go but right now, $20 is a week's worth of gas or money towards the insanity...:confused:

If you search around here, there is someone who did something similar to this with a 2nd generation explorer that had a v8. Welcome to the site.

Thanks for the welcome to the neighborhood...

I would like to start a complete dismantling of my 92 Explorer in an effort to rebuild it using the body off my 1950, Ford, F-1.

I figure that the best idea is to start with the schematics and service manual so I can correctly label everything that I need to keep for the reassembly. Problem is, every time I try to go to any of the links that I found by searching; they are no longer valid…

If you know of a valid link or happen to have a copy, that you are willing to share, please PM me with the info.

Thanks in advance,

