Fist Mod! let the fun begin | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fist Mod! let the fun begin


Well-Known Member
October 30, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
New Durham, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Limited
YES!!! I finaly got my first mod. It isn't anything special but a start. I got the K&N replacement filter. Since I need tires I soon will be adding BFG's since that is what everyone suggested to me. They will be the 30x9.5's. I can't wait. Pretty soon I am going to end up like the rest of you, crazy with a kick as X!!!

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Congrats on your first upgrade. Keep us posted as you add more!

If you are going to stick with the drop in K&N, instead of purchasing a whole cold air intake, i recommend cutting a square out of the front of the airbox to let more air in. I noticed a difference when I cut mine.

i myself just did a couple first mods.

clear corners and a KKM kit.

both are in the mail and should be here by thursday or friday, im really looking foward to it.

before christmas ill have a super chip in, and by the end of christmas ill have a new borla exhaust.

this stuff is fun, i cant wait till i have everything done that i want to doing performance mods first, then ill probelly buy some new speakers and an MP3 player head unit thing.

good times, good times.

GenLee01 - Why not 31's? You will most likely ba able to fit them. Or you can always do a cheap coil spacer/shackle lift. Just a thought.

Congrats and prepare yourself to be infected quick by the Mod bug... its a killer!!!
jk good luck... and go with 31's i fit them on mine and we basically have the same truck so you should def be able to fit them.

31's fit? Really? I thought they would rub. That is what I have hear. I would love to go with them if I could?

Could you guys tell me more about the coil spacer/shackle lift stuff. I don't know much about them. I know more about road mods.

Also does anyone have a pic of the cut out they did on there air box with the K&N filter? Would like to see what I should do.

Chucky D the mod bug bit before I even bought it. As soon as I was thinking about it I was looking for sites like this. LOL!

Talking about the Mod Bug, I have had my Ex for two years and the bug has been biting harder every day! But I do not have enough money to make it go away!!!
