Help, Motor is backingfiring. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help, Motor is backingfiring.

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Well-Known Member
July 5, 2000
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City, State
Springfield, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mercury Mountaineer
I've got a 97 Mountaineer ( just like an explorer) with a 5.0 v8 and 87,000 miles. It's all stock and I have had no other problems since I've owned the truck. It has lost most of it's low end power and if you mash the gas at a stoplight it will burble and pop really loud out the exhaust before it finally starts to rev. If I'm cruising around town at around 40mph and the RPM's are really low (1300) it will somtimes backfire. I'm not getting any check engine light at all. My millage has not went down either. I'm thinking it's either plug wires, plugs, or O2 sensor. It seems like it's loading up one of the cylinders with gas, and then it fires the plug and BAM, it backfires. I put new plugs in it 10,000 miles ago, and I thought that if one of the 4 (yes that's right, 4) O2 sensors was going bad, it would trigger the check engine light. Can some of you guys give me some help. Thanks.

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Double-posting will usually gets you know where on this forum. But Dead Link Removed.

Sorry, I just thought more people may be able to help me out if I posted in two forums. So is there any way to test the coil packs?

It wont be an O2 sensor, all that does is take an oxygen reading of your exhaust. It is more than likely the coil pack and no there is not a way to test that. Try all other odds before attempting this one.A try may be a TPS. I dont know for sure but its just a suggestion.

But if it was a Throttle Position Sensor, wouldn't I be getting a check engine light? Also, if the o2 sensor was going bad, it would screw up the fuel mixture right? Maybe it's running way two rich and fouling the plugs?

Well, I finally went out and bought some new spark plug wires. I got the good Borg-Warner wires for around $60. After I put the new wires on the motor ran great. Started much easier, idles smoother, and didn't backfire when I would power brake it like before. I thought my problem was fixed. But now two weeks later, it's starting to run rough and backfire again. What the hell is going on? I'm still not getting any check engine light. I checked all the wires again and they look ok. Any suggestions?

You have 4 of the same thread going. All are going to be locked except this one:

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