help on removing caliper pins on 93 ex.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help on removing caliper pins on 93 ex..


Active Member
April 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Portland, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
93' XLT 4X4
well i'm attempting to replace both my front rotors and pads for the first time, after hearing what the shop wanted to charge me, and after reading posts here saying it was a pretty strait forward job..all parts were under $100 :) now i've got my truck jacked up on the stock jack (p.s. is this even safe to use in this situation?..seems pretty shaky) problem is getting the pins out..the haynes manual says to sqeeze the front part of the caliper and pry on the back with a screwdriver, then punch the pin out..well i've been squeezing and prying for over an hour now..there doesn't seem much to pry on though..the shop i was at yesterday had them out, so i don't think they're stuck..if i can get them out, i can replace the pads and rotors pretty easily i think..anyone got any advice?..i've had to take a few dayz off work this..thankz..


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I usally just smack the top of the caliper with a hammer and it usally loosens the pins up,then take a pin punch and knock them out,once you get past those its clear sailing.I recomend new slide pins when you reinstall use grease on them too:)

thankz..after much smacking and banging they're finally if i could only get the caliper off..seems preety stuck..oh well..i'll figure it out..thankz!!..

prybar... for my caliper pins, i use a pair of visegrips to clamp the pieces together... then smak them with a hammer and they just slide right on out... then use a screwdriver to push them the rest of the way out with slight hammer taps

Just smack the top of the caliper with a hammer then pry with a'll get it:D

If you don't have jackstands.... put something under the truck so it won't fall down while your working on it.. Besides hurting yourself.. it is hard to get a vehicle back up once it does fall down..

You can even put your tire under the suspension to hold it off the ground (may be a little short but it is safer than using a jack only)...

I've even seen people use big chunks of Railroad ties.. Just something secure.. (I don't like cinder blocks.. they seem to crumble)

