Help V8Boatbuilder decide on some 33s | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help V8Boatbuilder decide on some 33s

I know I should just get 35s... but I'm being lame and going from 31s to 33s. I have a nice new set of Cragar 15x8s ready to rock.

I'm going to be using this truck offroad, but also in the snow and for towing. Maybe 7,500 miles/year.

I want to spend less than $650 for the set, which narrows it down to:

Choices are:
BFG A/Ts: I have them now and love them.

Procomp A/T:

Maxxis Bighorns:

Maxxis Buckshot:

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I have Maxxis Bighorns and love them. They are a little loud on the highway. But its a mud tire so thats to be expected. They preform great off road and in the snow. Here is my Bighorns in the snow with 35psi still in them. I didnt air down the whole trip.

Nice... not bad for a $600 set of tires

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are you ordering these tires or getting them somewhere local? I am in the market for new tires as well and have been looking at the trXus.. I think those are the ones I'm gonna end up going with.

are you ordering these tires or getting them somewhere local? I am in the market for new tires as well and have been looking at the trXus.. I think those are the ones I'm gonna end up going with.

Can't seem to find them Local... But Summit and JC Whitney both carry them for about the same price, and have reasonable shipping. The Maxxis would come from an eBay seller.

are you stuck there.. or just resting?

We just stopped to play in the snow. I drove right through it getting out. I was breaking trail for us. I could go until the snow got to about the top of the grill then had to back up and get a run at it to knock it back down. I just wish they made the bighorn in a 37 or 40 for the sas this spring.

Can't seem to find them Local... But Summit and JC Whitney both carry them for about the same price, and have reasonable shipping. The Maxxis would come from an eBay seller.

I've decided to get the TrXus MTs with some Cragar soft 8's.. I am getting them from ( cough cough ) Quadratec. I drive by that area , West Chester, PA , alot for work so I'm just gonna stop on my way home and get 'em. Probably alittle too far for you though, but thought i'd throw it out there. They have a truck that runs to their warehouse once a week so they said they'll throw them on the truck for me and bring em back so i dont have to pay any shipping.

I've decided to get the TrXus MTs with some Cragar soft 8's.. I am getting them from ( cough cough ) Quadratec. I drive by that area , West Chester, PA , alot for work so I'm just gonna stop on my way home and get 'em. Probably alittle too far for you though, but thought i'd throw it out there. They have a truck that runs to their warehouse once a week so they said they'll throw them on the truck for me and bring em back so i dont have to pay any shipping.

Hmm... My GF's Mom lives not too far from West Chester, and we're out there often. How much are the tires, and do they mount/balance?

Consider this issue solved! :cool:


  • Trxus-MT.jpg
    63.5 KB · Views: 178

Where did you get them?????

OK 4wd in Stewartsville, NJ. Off I78, near the Penn border. Really nice folks, very neat shop and store; they are the only Interco dealer in NJ. They mounted and balanced them while I waited, and the tires were the same price as Summit racing or JCWhitney. Chrome valve stems, too!

I haven't driven on the tires to see how the balance is, but so far I HIGHLY RECOMMEND them. Patronize local business!!

Thanks... Thats actually really close to me, I'm definately gonna check em out!!

They have a rockpile and garage sale event followed by a trip to Rausch Creek on April 26-27.

Might be fun to show up with some lifted Xs...

That sounds like a good idea.... It looks like they hand out some passes during the open house for admission for the ride the next day....

"On Saturday, April 26th, we will be holding an open house at our facility similar to last year's Grand Re-Opening. There will be vendor displays, in-store specials, the rock pile will be open, and a garage sale (overstock items, scratch & dent, open-box, etc.). During this day we will be handing out free Rock Krawl passes for the trail ride on the next day. This only covers driver admission. Passenger and Rausch Creeek membership fees are additional."

spabula said:
...Saturday, April 26th...During this day we will be handing out free Rock Krawl passes for the trail ride on the next day. ...

Yea, but a bunch of us (myself included) are planning on going to Rausch the next weekend, May 3-4.

/Thread Hijack :D/

Still loving these tires, I was just out in the blizzard and no skidding, no slipping, plenty of traction: perfect.

They are also wearing really tough.
