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help with overhead console


August 12, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fall River, Ma.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer Sport
i got the overhead console installed and everything works :) except the temp :mad: .. i got the temp sensor thing mounted on my bumper and all the wires are connected i know the temp sensor is doing summtin cuz before i connected it it said 5o or 5c on the display.. now it always says like -31 degrees and ICE and ****... i want the correct tempature!! =\ ... and when i press and hold the mode button whats that menu that comes up do???

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You may be having a compatability issue between the temp sensor and the overhead console. Make sure that the sensor and the console came from the same year truck. Somewhere around 97, Ford changed something in the console or the sensor. It's something like this...consoles from 95, 96 will not work with sensors from 97+ and vice versa. When I installed my overhead console (1996 model) I had a --I think-- '98 temp sensor and I had the same problem you did. Mine showed ICE all the time. I would suggest trying another temp sensor from a year closer to your console.

If you have the owner's manual for your truck, look in it and it will tell you what the functions of the overhead console are when you hold the mode button. The first function (hold mode for 4 seconds) is where you choose your region in the country so your compass will read correctly. The second function (hold mode for 8 seconds) is how you calibrate the compass by driving very slowly in a circle. The owner's manual goes into more detail, but that's basically it. Hope this helps!

Yup, I had the same problem as you did when I installed mine. Turns out the junkyard had given me a sensor from an Expedition instead of an Explorer. Quick way to tell which sensor you need: if the console's display is blue, you need a 95 or 96 sensor. If the display is green, you need a 97+. I got one off a 2001 and it worked just fine.

However, it required a little screwing with to make it work. This is what you need to do once you get the correct sensor and it still doesn't seem to be working (like mine did initially): with the ignition in the "ON" position (engine not running) and the console powered up, disconnect the sensor and then reverse the wires and then reconnect it. Look at the console. It should be displaying the correct temp. Now, turn the ignition off, then back on. Look at the console. If it is still reading the correct temp, congrats, you're finished! If not, reverse the wires at the sensor again and repeat the process until it works. On mine, it took about five or six tries plus removing and reinstalling the plug-in part of the sensor. Why? Who knows. Strange, but mine finally works.

Good luck!



laugh at this one

ok i got a blue light up console....... and my sensor came out of a god knows what year ex the thing was completely demolished (rollover) ... i came out of work the other day, started up my car and the damn thing worked ... i guess it needed to settle or whatever... thanks for the help anyways guys.... but i do think my temp sensor is from a 98+ Ex cuz it did have the grey/silver bumper and fenderflares and the newer tail lights..... and my console is blue (was blue now red)... maybe they all work??? who knows

Re: laugh at this one

Not sure about that one, but if it works, then hey, go ahead and use it.

Originally posted by clowwny
and my console is blue (was blue now red)...

Care to explain this? Did you make the compass and temperature display red?

yup its red

i changed it to red to match the rest of my interior when i get the DIGI camera back ill take some pictures

Now how did you manage to do that?? And yes, please post some pics.
