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Here is what the law in Ontario states if convicted of "Distracted Driving";

- a fine of $400, plus a victim surcharge and court fee, for a total of $490 if settled out of court
- fine of up to $1,000 if you receive a summons or fight your ticket
- three demerit points applied to your driver’s record

I wonder just how much of that "victim surcharge" actually goes to the victim. I'm guessing... NONE. And $490 really isn't much of a deterrent or punishment.

You might want to think about purchasing and installing the rear brace from the Police Utility models.

Also maybe get one of these.
That Bumpstep is meant only for light taps, not serious impact. If it does get hit hard, it's going to transfer the impact forces through the hitch directly to the subframe. The vehicle's bumper is designed with attenuators to absorb energy from a collision.

The OP should probably go for something like THESE hooked to the brake lights through a brake light flasher module.

I wonder just how much of that "victim surcharge" actually goes to the victim. I'm guessing... NONE. And $490 really isn't much of a deterrent or punishment.
That is for the first offence. It's the demerit points that will hurt because it affects your insurance rate.


Hadn't seen those lower reflector lights before. Depending on how bright they are, they might make for some nice rear fog lights.
Yeah... You could do all kinds of things with them. You could have them hooked to the brake lights (with or w/o flasher), but when you hit the fog light switch, a relay is energized to turn them on steady at all times.

Its confirmed, drivers in DFW are just bad. I was rear ended today on the Dallas North Tollway and I have a flashing third brake light... Damage isnt bad, upper rear bumper cover can probably be refinished, lower replaced. The Cadi that hit me slid under my explorer so the pan where the spare tire sits is a bit bent:/
