hesitating | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
September 11, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Knoxville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Explorer XLT
alright, i have a 01 explorer (automatic) heres the problem -

when i pull out from a complete stop she's hesitating like crazy... but when im goin down the road and just step on it its got all the power it should have... anybody have any ideas? does it seem like a fuel problem maybe? my check engine light is on and i checked the codes.. i got PO172 and PO175 which are bank 1 (po172) running to rich and bank 2 (po175) running to rich... maybe when im at a complete stop my fuel filter is so stoped up it has a hard time gettin fuel through it but when it finally gets goin it has enough pressure to push it though? i dont know..

if anyone could help me id sure appreciate it. thanks! :confused:

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How many miles does it have on it? If its very many, I would at least check the fuel filter. Thats a good place to start with fuel problems.

117k on it... got it a year ago with 76k

im the 2nd owner, i know i've never changed it.. i have one though :D maybe ill bring it to work tomorrow and pull it in the shop and throw it on during lunch see what that helps!

Yeah...with that mileage I would.:D I have seen them completely clogged with less mileage.

does this sound like it could be a possibility? by the way our x's are the same exact color... haha what's fords name for it?


My paperwork said "Arizona Beige". Sound dumb to me, but they had to find a fancy name.

well i put a new fuel filter in tonight and it still seems to have a little bit of hesitation... i also got some codes po172 & po175.. (bank 1 and bank 2 running to rich) seem to think that has stuff to do with the o2 sensors... anybody have any suggestions on what to check or anything?
