Hey guys! (03 EB V6) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hey guys! (03 EB V6)


New Member
June 18, 2012
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City, State
Middletown, New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 EB V6
Hey guys n gals, I am a college student in New Jersey, My first vehicle was a 91 EB V6 Black n' tan when I was 17, I then got a 95 V6 XLT when I turned 19. Now I have recently acquired a 2003 Eddie Bauer V6, Black n' Gold. I plan on putting some money into this one and make it last and look good of course ;) .

If anyone has any suggestions on stuff I can do other then the obvious regular maintenance it would be greatly appreciated.

I am going to start looking into maybe getting a Cold Air Intake for starters. most likely a K&N...If anyone has any input feel free :)

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For the money a CAI will do little with the V6 considering how much your spending on it.

Your better off drilling holes into the stock airbox and putting a drop in K&N Filter.
