Hmmm. I think the serpentine belt snapped on my '99 4.0 SOHC. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hmmm. I think the serpentine belt snapped on my '99 4.0 SOHC.


New Member
April 22, 2007
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Mandsfield, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
Found this forum while cruising the web looking for info on Ford Explorers and thought I'd post up to say Hello and to see what the majority here feel the issue with my '99 Explorer XLT with 128,000 miles might be.

My wife was cruising along the highway today when she felt a something change in how the gas pedal felt. She said she felt that something hit the accelorator and then she noticed that the power steering was gone, the A/C which was blowing cold was now blowing hot, battery started losing charge and CEL came on. Not wanting to put stress on the vehicle she pulled the car into a nearby Dodge dealer and when she popped the hood she said that the lid to the coolant had popped off, green liquid had spurted all over the engine bay and the liquid in the reservoir was boiling.

My guess is that the serpentine belt snapped causing multiple component failures.


Thanks in advance.

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You can tell if snapped if it isnt there or is broken in half or if there is a lot of slack in the bet.

Your probably right A4Adman. Same thing happened to my SOHC a few years back with the same symptoms. You definitely dont want to drive it again until the belt is replaced -- which will take you maybe 30-45 mins to replace.

The tensioner mechanism for the serpentine belt may have self-destructed. Mine did last year. Luckily, it happened right when I started the engine, so I shut it down until I could fix it. About $30 from Napa, IIRC.

If you lose the serpentine belt, you will lose power steering, A/C, alternator and the water pump drive which fits with your wife's description.

If it is the serp belt it won't take long at all to replace. There is a bolt on the back of the tensioner to move it so you can put the belt on. From the sound of it that's what it is.

You should replace the tensioner pulley it will be next to go with that many

Diagnosing the serpentine belt is as involved as popping the hood. Either it's there or not. And if it takes more than 10 minutes to replace the serpentine belt, there's something seriously wrong with the installer.

The symptoms fit... the belt broke, lost the accessory drive = no power steering, no AC, and no water pump or fan, hence the overheating and spewing coolant.

Replace the belt.. it's not a big deal.

