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Home made hood scoop and update on my car

Bondo has no structural strength. The only way I see this holding up is welds or rivets. Get a cheap sheet metal brake from Harbor Freight and make flaps to attach everything.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you need to do a lot more research on the properties of all these materials you are considering. You're going to waste a lot of time and money on this doing it wrong just to do it over again.

I've been researching it more since my last thread and I figured that. Would it do ok If I put dots of jb weld (just to hold it in place) and made L shaped pieces of sheet metal, and pop riveted them together.? If I did that sort of support all the way around, then coated the rivets with jbweld and then the whole thing with bondo, it seems to me like it would provide the necessary structural strength.

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I've been researching it more since my last thread and I figured that. Would it do ok If I put dots of jb weld (just to hold it in place) and made L shaped pieces of sheet metal, and pop riveted them together.? If I did that sort of support all the way around, then coated the rivets with jbweld and then the whole thing with bondo, it seems to me like it would provide the necessary structural strength.

That has a better chance of working. Just bondo the seams though, coating the whole thing is overkill and might cause cracks.

That has a better chance of working. Just bondo the seams though, coating the whole thing is overkill and might cause cracks.

So prime right on the metal? That doesn't seem like the best idea.

So prime right on the metal? That doesn't seem like the best idea.

That's how it's done. Just make sure it's clean before you do anything do it. There is residue left on the sheet from the manufacturing process.

That's how it's done. Just make sure it's clean before you do anything do it. There is residue left on the sheet from the manufacturing process.

That seems like it would be really thin. I guess I could double layer the top. I'm going to make a trip to lowes tomorrow and start the frame.

i think Chris Titus (If thats his name, had a show a few years back called titus, i tink?)

He did a show on Rides on TLC, he took a 3rd gen X and made it a muscle car, sort of. He put one of those shaker Hoods in it, Looked pretty B.A. In my opinion.

i think Chris Titus (If thats his name, had a show a few years back called titus, i tink?)

He did a show on Rides on TLC, he took a 3rd gen X and made it a muscle car, sort of. He put one of those shaker Hoods in it, Looked pretty B.A. In my opinion.

I googled his name and cant find anything like that. If you link me to it I'd be glad to see it.



go their and Click on "Soccer Mom".

its actually an expediton, but it looks pretty cool when its all done. Their are some pictures of it and some really good ones with the Shaker HOOD.

I'd be using a steel hood. The 02-05 X steel hoods are $70.

If you are going to buy a hood and it is steel, just have a shop weld it on then do the proper body work. Other wise I still say buy a scoop rivet it in place then do the body work.


hell yea it does.

We need to find out what kind that is, that might just be my goal now instead of that hood found on another thread. Probably be a lot cheaper, and would make for a great ram air setup, but then I'd have to find another way to get induction vents for the engine. Maybe the fender vents are good enough (hell, the stock hood without vents is good enough I guess, even if I do get above 300hp like I want, but it doesn't look cool, lol).
