How do I secure a loose cruise control switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do I secure a loose cruise control switch


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August 7, 2006
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2000 V
The cruise controls on the left of the steering wheel are loose and when pressure is applied to them they come out of the steering wheel.

All the elec connections etc are fine but is there a securing plate or something that holds the control in situ?



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There should be two tiny bolts holding the cruise switch in place. To get to them you need to remove the air bag. Be very careful doing this as they can go bang in your hands. The air bag is held in place by another two bolts under covers on the rear of the steering wheel. Hope that helps.

Whenever working on a steering column with an air bag, it is always a good idea to disconnect the battery, and wait a few minutes for the back up battery inside of the SRS module to drain. This will prevent accidental deployment of the air bag.

That sounds a bit risky for me! Looking at the back of the steering wheel there are circular "blanks", about the size of a 5p - one on each siide.

Is it these that need removing to access the fixings for the air bag?



Yes just remove the two plugs and you will see the two bolts that hold the airbag on. Just disconnect the battery and leave for 20 mins or so and you will be fine. Take your time and just don't go at it too hard.

BrooklynBay said:
Whenever working on a steering column with an air bag, it is always a good idea to disconnect the battery, and wait a few minutes for the back up battery inside of the SRS module to drain. This will prevent accidental deployment of the air bag.

just stay away from the yellow wires.

Thanks for that guys. Weather permitting will have a look on Wednesday! Worst case scenario would be what?!!


Thanks for your help guys. Had some spare time this morning and got it sorted! The switch did have slight damage at the back so used superglue too.

Many thanks everyone!


Hi All - Relatively Newbie here.
Firstly Many thanks for this invaluable resource - It's the dogs !!
Thought you should know that I have just received a FORD Recall notice for my 1998 model to have the speed control unit and wiring harness replaced as apparently it is prone to smoking / burning !!
