How many explorers have you had? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many explorers have you had?

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Ive had 2 my 94 xlt R.I.P my friend, and our new edition 2008 Eddie Bauer V8

:roll:1991 white v6 eddie bauer 165,000miles - wrecked and totaled:thumbdwn:
:yelexp:2006 gold metalic v6 xlt 5 passenger sold at 79,000miles :thumbsup:

traded that in for a 2008 pontiac G6 GT which turned out to be a total regret. I am not a GM guy and I do not like cars. LOL

:exporangeMy current Explorer is a 2006 Red V8 Xlt 7 passenger with roughly 83,000 miles. Love it!!:thumbsup:

I honestly see no reason to ever buy anything other than a Ford. I love them and will be a loyal customer for my remaining days.

03 Mountaineer AWD V8 Luxury
93 Explorer XLT 4x4
98 Mountaineer AWD V8
97 Mountaineer AWD V8
01 Explorer Eddie Bauer AWD V8

Interesting thread. I wanna play!

84 Ranger *currently own - restoring
88 Ranger XLT *sold
95 Explorer XLT *bought for parts
99 Explorer XLT *bought for parts
97 Explorer XLT *Daily driver - kinda

This makes my third, picked it up today. 04 Eddie Bauer w/69K. First was a 94 XLT, then a 00 XLT. I also had a 87 BII

93 XLT - 150K+ miles
01 XLT - 130K+ miles
98 XLT - 160K+ miles (2wd)
05 XLS - 54K Current daily driver and furure

97 Reg cab shorty(2wd)
02 super cab shorty (2wd)
Both 4cyl and 5 spd but for some reason I didn't keep them long.

Had an 89 (I think) Bronco II.

Had a few F series as well and still have my 00 F350 which I'll have forever most likely.







1998 Blue XLT 4.0

1999 Red XLT 4.0

2002 White XLT 4.0

2003 Silver XLT 4.0

2004 Silver XLT 4.0

2007 Grey Eddie Bauer 4.0
