how much can the awd drivetrain handle? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how much can the awd drivetrain handle?


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January 5, 2002
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2014 Explorer Sport
I am considering a 5.0 AWD sometime before spring. I have a set of stage 2 ported gt-40p heads along with an e-303 cam that I used in my 94 mustang. I want to put these on and of course I will need to change my injecters, mass air and intake. How strong is the drivetrain? I dont plan on putting much more into the engine then what I have mentioned. The last thing I want to do is break a tranny or something in the awd.

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The tranny and tcase can easily handle those mods. I have an e-cam in mine, with headers, a chip, and 33s, and I've had no problems with either. Make sure you get pics! :D

I have some mods along with a 100 shot. I have 103k on my truck and still pulling 1.6 60' times at the track. I have a feeling it wont last much longer but I have ran it down the track at least 40 times so I expect it to hold up fine for you

section525; did you need to get the chip to control the idle? i had issues with my e-303 when it was in my mustang and had to get a chip. also, did you need to change the torque converter to accomodate the cam? Anything in particular I need to keep an eye on when looking for a 5.0 explorer? I have a 92 now and the body is getting pretty rough. Not to mention the ride also. I cant complain too much, the 92 has around 200k on it and it still runs good.

Josh.. check out my write up

I installed the chip at the same time as the cam.. so I don't know if it really helped idle. I do still have idle issues though. Every once in a while it still likes to stall. I've heard some Mustang guys use an IAC plate or something that I may try. You might know more about that.

I still have the stock TQ converter. The cam really picks up at about 2800 all the way through 5000... which is reachable with the stock converter.
