How much have you/planning to spend on Mods? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much have you/planning to spend on Mods?

i have about 4000 into it... its all in my sig

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I have almost exactly $10k in it so far (including normal mantenance over the 2 years), but my next few mods will easily take that up $3-5k :eek:

Whatcha got planned Jeff?

I've only got about 8k into mine currently, which does not include the stuff I took off or am no longer using. And that includes a SAS and two sets or rims/tires.

just for upgrades i think I've put in about 6500 so far (I sat for the past 15 min in front of a calculator just typing in everything I could think of) but most of it was in the past 6 months (once I got my new job money situation sorted). I eat like crap, buy in bulk, and save every penny for the truck (soon to get a sister 94 sport 4x4 hopefully).

I couldn't think of anything better to spend my hard earned cash on.

I should have just bought a sport as well and left the XLT stock and trailered/modified the sport, how nice would that have been. Oh Well, guess I'll just keep building a MONSTER XLT!!!

Originally posted by DasFrem
. . . I sat for the past 15 min in front of a calculator just typing in everything I could think of. . .
he he. I have a spreadsheet of parts bought/work done that I've been keeping from the begining. Makes it easy :)

Of course now that I go and look at it a little closer I noticed that I forgot a very small detail. . .an Atlas II. So I'm actually at about $13k right now :eek:

GO JEFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So what else do you plan on doing? I know in our sport of 4Wheeling, there is never "enough" or "that's it I'm done," but how much/what else more until you feel safe to say "Hey, I'm really happy right now, nothing else I really need or want at this moment..." Think it will ever happen?

All I know is I have a LONG way to go. =)

Since I've got two of you asking:

#1) I've gotta get a real suspension lift under her. I'm tired of getting hung up on spring perches, etc.
I'm looking at the RCD coilover kit with an SOA rear and custom leaf springs (my stock ones are toast due to the ProComp Add-a-leaf :shoot: ) I'll take the 3" Bodylift out when I get the suspension lift done. [I may bypass this and go straight to a solid axle depending on how long it takes to get my truck fund back up]

#2) Custom skid plates. My stock ones are toast due to the fact that I still don't have Item #1 :rolleyes:

#3) Rear tire carrier so I can actually fit stuff in my truck again (the rear is packed with a tire, tools, liquids and spare parts)

#4) Winch: Although this probably wouldn't get used very much by me, but used for a safer recovery of other vehicles.

Other things in the far distant future:
Solid front axle
Replacement for 5R55E tranny (AOD?, manual?)
I'd love to swap for a SOHC 4.0 (I wish I had known there were two V6's when I was Explorer shopping)
Roll cage / chop top

I could go on and on and . . . :D

I may not use my stock springs, are only a year and a half old. I'll let you know once I ramp the X tomorrow.

$2200 bucks... and will be up around 5-6K when Feb roles around.

Well, the last time I counted I was at 16K in mods alone.

Ray, I'm running a 5.5" Lift and the warrior rear disconnects won't work (I keep snaping bolts) because it is an inch too short. Can I know where you got yours from, any/all info would be appreciated!!!


I have probably spend about $1100 so far, and I will spend more on mods and improvements in the near future. Gee, and all that I really wanted was a trailer hitch, then I ended up moving into an apartment with two gearheads (one a Chevy, one a Ford) during my last 3 years of college, and it's been a slow decent from there. :) Near future mods are Exhaust, Buamannator (if I can get it to work), MSD DIS-4, maybe headers, a set of 31" mud tires when the 235/75/15 mud tires wear down, improved stereo (probably amp and subwoofer if the JBL GTO 5x7's are still in good shape), power inverter reinstalled. I think that I'll stop there because it's making me more sad.

In the past year about $1500 with the blame laid squarely at the feet of everyone here for giving me the ideas! Future projects will exceed the budget approved by my financial adviser (wife) by about 10%. Still trying to convince her that wheels will increase mpg, maintain value and keep the kids safe.

Originally posted by espnfreak

nice ride man! I love those guages that I put them in my 96. Love the system too, i really need to get a system bad, but they are quite a bit of money. Maybe this summer though. How do you like your alpine hu? I got a single din and i love mine

I do like my alpine HU, but the frikin thing skips, when I go over bumps, and it really pisses me off.

phat01expsport, thats a pretty tight ride man, i like the rims and the system is tight! Thats the way to represent us 2001 sports. On your page you said something about an eaton supercharger... I was unaware they made one for the 4.0 sohc yet.

Originally posted by RoadEnforcer
phat01expsport, thats a pretty tight ride man, i like the rims and the system is tight! Thats the way to represent us 2001 sports. On your page you said something about an eaton supercharger... I was unaware they made one for the 4.0 sohc yet.
And where can you pick one up for $1500????
