How to get water spots off your windows | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to get water spots off your windows


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
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So I did something dumb. I washed my Explorer in the sun on a breezy day. Late afternoon sun, but still sun. Before I could dry it (I usually use one of those "Water Blade" things) a strong breeze started drying the water drops and left a huge mess of spots on all the window glass. One of my pet peeves is having clean windows. I'd recently seen a commercial for a product that's supposed to remove water spots from glass, but none of the auto parts stores I frequent had heard of it. So I turned to the Internet. I found various methods and products claiming to do the job, but the commercial products were expensive, had to be mail-ordered and one couldn't even be purchased in the U.S. Some of the home-grown methods were multi stepped, weren't easy to do and were messy. I saw one method, which seemed simple enough, using Colgate toothpaste. As I happen to use Colgate I figured I give it a try. I dampened a terry/sponge wax applicator, applied the toothpaste (Baking Soda and Whitening) to it and rubbed it on 1/2 my windshield as if I were applying cleaner wax to paint. I didn't rub very hard or for very long. When I was satisfied I'd covered the surface adequately, I wiped off the toothpaste residue with a wet hand towel and then cleaned the glass with Invisible Glass (any glass cleaner should work). To my surprise, the water spots were 100% gone. Too cool!

I wonder if this would work on the paint. If it does I’m gonna need a sh*t-load of toothpaste… lol :D

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I use windex.

So I did something dumb. I washed my Explorer in the sun on a breezy day. Late afternoon sun, but still sun. Before I could dry it (I usually use one of those "Water Blade" things) a strong breeze started drying the water drops and left a huge mess of spots on all the window glass. One of my pet peeves is having clean windows. I'd recently seen a commercial for a product that's supposed to remove water spots from glass, but none of the auto parts stores I frequent had heard of it. So I turned to the Internet. I found various methods and products claiming to do the job, but the commercial products were expensive, had to be mail-ordered and one couldn't even be purchased in the U.S. Some of the home-grown methods were multi stepped, weren't easy to do and were messy. I saw one method, which seemed simple enough, using Colgate toothpaste. As I happen to use Colgate I figured I give it a try. I dampened a terry/sponge wax applicator, applied the toothpaste (Baking Soda and Whitening) to it and rubbed it on 1/2 my windshield as if I were applying cleaner wax to paint. I didn't rub very hard or for very long. When I was satisfied I'd covered the surface adequately, I wiped off the toothpaste residue with a wet hand towel and then cleaned the glass with Invisible Glass (any glass cleaner should work). To my surprise, the water spots were 100% gone. Too cool!

I wonder if this would work on the paint. If it does I’m gonna need a sh*t-load of toothpaste… lol :D
Good idea, BUT, be careful using tooth paste on the paint. It may leave swirl marks. Did you notice any scratches in the glass. Tooth paste has been used to polish plastic. I have not had any luck with it myself. Let us know if you see any problems. Thanks.

Distilled White Vinegar works, and won't scratch your paint like toothpaste...

Thanks JoeDirt, exactly what I was thinking, but was not 100% sure about that. Thats why I said "maybe".

Magic sponge works for this type of problem. I once got purple pvc primer off of a linoleum floor with it. Works great on the inside of the windshield to get whatever film that is that builds up there off.

Guys, I wasn't really gonna use toothpaste on the paint. I was just making a joke. As far as the glass, I took the truck out in the sun today to check the windshield. It's perfect. No water spots, no scratches. I'm sure there's a dozen different ways to accomplish the same results, but toothpaste works too. I didn't think about the Magic Sponge. That would probably have worked too, but I'd be afraid that might scratch the glass.

Be careful with those sponges- they're not so much magic as they are micro sandpaper...

I just saw the commercial for the water-spot remover on TV. It's Mother's that makes it.
