How to learn a "CAD" program | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to learn a "CAD" program


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
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Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
I want to learn how to draw fancy cartoons on my computer. I have zero idea in what I am doing. I have downloaded sketchup and played with it a bit. However to be able to pull dxf files out of it you need the pay version. I bought Turbocad 15 a few months back but can not figure it out. Heck I would be happy to make a 4" square in it right now. I am downloading cocreate right now and plan to see what it is like. Where is a good place online to start learning this stuff. Do to my job there is no way I can take a class so it has to be online. I usually have a few hours a night I can mess with it but I have no idea where to start. I need a true cad for real dummies deal so I can start from the beginning. A book would even be a possibility.

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For me, the type of books that step you through small projects which progressively get more complex are the easiest way to learn. Maya is far from a "CAD" program for engineering but the book method is how I learned Maya. So maybe hit up or and read the reviews - once you find a good book, see if its available locally.

I cant find one for the version of turbocad that I have. I can find stuff on version 14 and 16 but not on 15. Should I try one of those books and hope it is close?

You probably want to research the differences between the versions and pick the one thats closest to 15. But if nothing comes up, you usually pick the lower version since features are "added" more often than "deprecated". of those threads also say's that one of their links is for version 8 and the original request was for version 15, but the basics still apply...

...It's kind of like Window's and Apple computers...Cad programs operate similar but differently per brand of software..Most versions of each brand are similar thru several version upgrades with minor improvements or add-ons...
