hvac controls or motor? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hvac controls or motor?


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
so ive noticed my heater blower motor really only has two options. either off or full blast. so i figured i would start to diagnosis this problem with the help of yall.

Ive checked connections.
It did this before the non a/c conversion.
HVAC control unit still lights up when on.

What else did I need to look at and check?

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Replace your blower motor resistor. Farly simple & cheap. It's held in by 2 screws on the blower motor housing. Has a square electrical plug going to it. When your missing fan speeds that is usually the cause.

If you had AC originally then "with AC".
From AA...
Wells part #JA1176... What I have used
Dorman part #973-011
BWD part #RU1013
Factory Air part #20261

the ru1013 is what i have up already, ok ill pick it up.. just to cover it all.. if that doesnt work (which i will update) where do i go from there

i didnt even realize you could buy that part without buying the whole fan

Replace your blower motor resistor. Farly simple & cheap. It's held in by 2 screws on the blower motor housing. ...
It is a lot easier to get to those 2 screws with a nut driver if you pull the air cleaner box. You can get them with a small wrench leaving the box in, but it is far easier to get them back in with the box out. Poke the screws thru some duct tape and wrap it around the nut driver to hold them on. Also, take a good look in the heater box while the resistor pack is out for leaves and debris. If there are leaves you should pull the blower fan off, too. It's just a couple more screws if the air cleaner box is already off.
