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HVAC issue


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
So, I think I have my first real issue. Saturday night, temps in the 30s outside and we were driving home from a restaurant. Had started it via the app to warm up.. halfway home I was starting to sweat from being too hot. Temp was set at 72 and on auto. I'm a very warm person from the get go, complete opposite of my wife. So I turned it down to 68 degrees.

After a few minutes.. still hot so I put my hands down at the floor and its blowing hot air (shouldn't be at 68). So I then force it to the front vents and feel it is hot out the middle vents.

Drop it down to 60 degrees and still hot air. Set it down 1 more to LO and the cold air comes out. Bump it up to 60 and hot arm starts coming out.

Yes it is cold outside but the cabin was as hotter then my house.. havent played around more yet with it but it should be going in next week for the passenger whistle, recall, seat scratch from the recline handle, sync update and the HVAC issue.

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I experienced this a few times and had to turn the a/c on to get the mixing valves working right.

So, I think I have my first real issue. Saturday night, temps in the 30s outside and we were driving home from a restaurant. Had started it via the app to warm up.. halfway home I was starting to sweat from being too hot. Temp was set at 72 and on auto. I'm a very warm person from the get go, complete opposite of my wife. So I turned it down to 68 degrees.

After a few minutes.. still hot so I put my hands down at the floor and its blowing hot air (shouldn't be at 68). So I then force it to the front vents and feel it is hot out the middle vents.

Drop it down to 60 degrees and still hot air. Set it down 1 more to LO and the cold air comes out. Bump it up to 60 and hot arm starts coming out.

Yes it is cold outside but the cabin was as hotter then my house.. havent played around more yet with it but it should be going in next week for the passenger whistle, recall, seat scratch from the recline handle, sync update and the HVAC issue.

Don't forget them to check out your whistling noise from passengers side window too. I have this issue but only while driving like 34mph or so. But I have some whistling sound too.

Mine has always done this. But I haven't cranked out the manual to see if I'm missing something about the way the air flow works when a/c is off. Not only is the hot air a concern but sometimes I feel the front vents are barely felt and have fans all the way up. Is it supposed to be weak when upper and lower vents are on too? I don't know. Not even sure the recirc button does anything as far as I can tell. Or the Auto button with the 3 lights doesn't seem to do much but turn the fans down. I guess some reading of the manual is in order because the HVAC is a little wonky to me.

I have an issue in the back seats on my Aviator. If I set the back seats to AUTO it blows very hot air on the floor (under front seats) dependent on temp set. Also, on long drives, my center console gets so hot the it radiates additional heat. On one drive the console got so hot, my phone overheated because of the high temps in the phone cubby in the console.

I told dealer about this and they could not find the issue. Strangely, i had a similar Aviator as a loaner, and that one had no climate issues. I plant to get a digital thermometer and take readings during drives and furnish them hard data to so they can figure this out.

Mine has always done this. But I haven't cranked out the manual to see if I'm missing something about the way the air flow works when a/c is off. Not only is the hot air a concern but sometimes I feel the front vents are barely felt and have fans all the way up. Is it supposed to be weak when upper and lower vents are on too? I don't know. Not even sure the recirc button does anything as far as I can tell. Or the Auto button with the 3 lights doesn't seem to do much but turn the fans down. I guess some reading of the manual is in order because the HVAC is a little wonky to me.

If it is set to auto, the air conditioning will turn on if it is needed. So adjusting the temperature would turn it on or off automatically. So it is still a problem as it should be blowing cold air at 60゚ especially when it is 40゚ outside

Mine has always done this. But I haven't cranked out the manual to see if I'm missing something about the way the air flow works when a/c is off. Not only is the hot air a concern but sometimes I feel the front vents are barely felt and have fans all the way up. Is it supposed to be weak when upper and lower vents are on too? I don't know. Not even sure the recirc button does anything as far as I can tell. Or the Auto button with the 3 lights doesn't seem to do much but turn the fans down. I guess some reading of the manual is in order because the HVAC is a little wonky to me.

Auto should cycle the place where the air is blowing. It SHOULD blow from different areas over time...

I would have the dealer perform the A/C door calibration routine. This calibrates the blend doors and the multiple temp sensors. Mine was off slightly from the factory. Worked better, great actually, after the calibration and ever since.

I would have the dealer perform the A/C door calibration routine. This calibrates the blend doors and the multiple temp sensors. Mine was off slightly from the factory. Worked better, great actually, after the calibration and ever since.

Thanks for that, will request it.

Did you have the calibration done , did it fix the issues you were having ?

So, I think I have my first real issue. Saturday night, temps in the 30s outside and we were driving home from a restaurant. Had started it via the app to warm up.. halfway home I was starting to sweat from being too hot. Temp was set at 72 and on auto. I'm a very warm person from the get go, complete opposite of my wife. So I turned it down to 68 degrees.

After a few minutes.. still hot so I put my hands down at the floor and its blowing hot air (shouldn't be at 68). So I then force it to the front vents and feel it is hot out the middle vents.

Drop it down to 60 degrees and still hot air. Set it down 1 more to LO and the cold air comes out. Bump it up to 60 and hot arm starts coming out.

Yes it is cold outside but the cabin was as hotter then my house.. havent played around more yet with it but it should be going in next week for the passenger whistle, recall, seat scratch from the recline handle, sync update and the HVAC issue.

My ST is having exact same HVAC issue as well. Its get so hot even with the temp set to low. Super frustrating that a $60K car has such basic issues. Is the recalibration the only solution so far?

On mine, the temps do adjust up or down but what I normally set as 72 on other cars, I currently set to 68 on my Explorer. I'm not overly concerned. Thanks for the input in this thread everyone. I'll have a list of things to takr to the dealer when i do take it in--not sure when that will be.

I had the same problem oveheated cabin issue -- they had to figure it out was able to repair it. I can keep it at 68 or 69 and stay comfortable.

I had the same problem oveheated cabin issue -- they had to figure it out was able to repair it. I can keep it at 68 or 69 and stay comfortable.

What did they do?

So, I think I have my first real issue. Saturday night, temps in the 30s outside and we were driving home from a restaurant. Had started it via the app to warm up.. halfway home I was starting to sweat from being too hot. Temp was set at 72 and on auto. I'm a very warm person from the get go, complete opposite of my wife. So I turned it down to 68 degrees.

After a few minutes.. still hot so I put my hands down at the floor and its blowing hot air (shouldn't be at 68). So I then force it to the front vents and feel it is hot out the middle vents.

Drop it down to 60 degrees and still hot air. Set it down 1 more to LO and the cold air comes out. Bump it up to 60 and hot arm starts coming out.

Yes it is cold outside but the cabin was as hotter then my house.. havent played around more yet with it but it should be going in next week for the passenger whistle, recall, seat scratch from the recline handle, sync update and the HVAC issue.

This may help
Manufacturer Communication Number: SSM 48135


Some 2013-2020 vehicles equipped with an EVDC air conditioning (A/C) compressor may exhibit poor A/C performance/improper climate function. To support the proper diagnosis of this compressor, the EVDC control valve tester has been provided to each U.S. dealership (339-EVDC100). Ensure the A/C system has a full charge prior to any compressor diagnostics. To support the proper diagnosis of this compressor, the EVDC compressor tool must be used, and the results recorded in the Technician comments field with the warranty claim. This tester will help reduce the potential for misdiagnosis and unnecessary compressor replacement. Refer to the Rotunda catalog for a video and user manual which provide detailed operating instructions.

So, mine had this same issue, and it took a month to get the parts in. I'm not totally sure what they replaced because they still have the vehicle, but I was able to drive it and noticed that it was certainly different than before....BUT, when I drove it, I had it for maybe 30 minutes, when I got in, I set the temp to 78 degrees, and then forgot it. I noticed when I returned to the dealership to let them know something else still wasn't right, I realized that I had been driving around for 30 minutes with the temp set to 78 degrees, auto 3, and was not uncomfortable in the vehicle. I'm usually a 71-72 degree person, so now I think something ELSE is wrong with the climate control.
Can anyone let me know what 78 degrees in your ST after 30 minutes of driving feels like?

ours is all over the board...too hot and too cold. took it in and they...everything's fine.

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I picked mine up on Oct. 31st. Set the temperature (Auto) at 22 C (72 F) and heated seats to 1 bar and haven't touched the settings since. Perfect comfort. Outside temperature has been all over the place. It has basically been 'set and forget'.

