I am in tears, need help with Blend door fix | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I am in tears, need help with Blend door fix


January 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Greensburg, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Eddie Bauer
:( I hope someone can help. In Feb my heater went out and after finding this great web site, we thought that it was the blend door. Well before we fixed it, somehow the heater came back on miraculously. It lasted until the end of March and then went out again. Well our weather in Western PA has been summer like so I was not working on it. Now I have to take my elderly aunt to Columbus Ohio this weekend and they are predicting snow flurries! I have spent last evening and most of this morning and afternoon working on the fix. I have made the brad short, and longer, redrilled holes on the top middle and bottom and still no heat. Before we even knew about the blend door, my husband had replaced the themostat and bled the system.
HELP, PLEASE. I need to fix this today!

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you can cut a hole in the box and take out the blend door altogether and then seal the hole back up then you will have full heat on any position except max ac which will be full cold.... do a search and you should find the procedure

replace blend door

Hi, thanx for the reply, can you replace the blend door and do you know how much they are? thx Monica

it sounds more like the heater core is cloggeg maybe. Try flushing it out with a hose. If water doesnt flow easily through keep the hose on it then on the other side back and forth till water flows easily.

Also could be the valve in the engine compartment that controls flow of coolant to the heater core. It's vacuum operated. Simple to check, turn heat on and off and see if valve moves.

maagk said:
Hi, thanx for the reply, can you replace the blend door and do you know how much they are? thx Monica

You can't replace just the blend door, the whole heater box needs to be changed. There are a few "band-aid" repairs out there, some appear to last longer than others. It'll cost a few bucks to change, as the entire dashboard needs to be removed to get the box out and in.
