I cannot find the PCV valve!!! for 02' XLS 2WD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I cannot find the PCV valve!!! for 02' XLS 2WD


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January 7, 2008
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02 XLS
I bought a replacement, its the screin plug type with the v-shaped line around it from Napa. I searched all the threads on this forum aboutt he pcv valve location and i can't find it!

I did the plugs and wires today and was looking for the pcv valve the whole time with no luck.

anyone have a picture of its location??!


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BrooklynBay, did I put up the wrong pics again?

Donner or anybody else with an 03, please check this picture to confirm this location:


  • 2003 4.0L PCV location.jpg
    2003 4.0L PCV location.jpg
    49.3 KB · Views: 12,304

I believe you have found it... Would the 2002 be in the same location?

nothing under there on my 02......

nope, my engine does not look like this..

Donner or anybody else with an 03, please check this picture to confirm this location:

my engine looks just like this but there is no pcv valve at this location..

Ford says that is it... circled. Please post a pic of your engine.

i may have not been clear in my reply

my engine is the same as the one in the pic posted by brooklynbay(the engine bay of the red X).
i removed that piece that is circled and there is no pcv valve under there.
just a opening.

Do you have a link or a pic of the part you bought 02ltd?

i have not bought any thing yet. i would though if i knew where to put it..
do you have a pic of your pcv valve and where it goes and how its seated in.
if it goes where your saying my truck doesnt have one in it .

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I too, had the same problem. The picture is correct with the red circle above. The pcv is located on the other end of that hose so, you just follow the hose to the other end. It is located behind the intake manifold. Your arm will have to squeeze between the back of the engine and the firewall to get to it. PCV is brown and ev143.Don't really remember It is better to take off the hose and just feel for it once, you find the location by following the hose on the other end. It is a screw type of PCV with some threads. You have to unscrew it counterclockwise just once or twice to take it off. Hope this makes sense. BTW, don't buy a aftermarket one. It is totally different. I bought a Purolator but, it looks nothing like the OEM one.
