I want to lower my explorer but i dont want to bag it...helppp | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I want to lower my explorer but i dont want to bag it...helppp


New Member
August 20, 2011
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Originally Maryland Currently Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer Xlt 4.0sohc
Serious responses please i want a legit way to lower the truck im use to japenese cars and i sold all of my hondas and i want to try something new i have a clean 98 xlt 4.0 v6 i have alot of plans for the truck but my number one question is how can i lower it? What are the parts i need to lower it...springs, coilovers, shocks etc. I dont want to bag the truck i want to lower it about 4 or 5 inches on saleen wheels so i have plans i just neeed some answers. Please if you have the answer to my question i would truly appriciate it. Thankx

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there pretty easy. you have torsion bars in the front and you can just adjust down with camber kit around an 1.5 to 2 inches with a boat feel and the rear is leafsprings either flip em or get customs springs. to get 4 inches you bought the wrong truck for that. you want a 94 and older explorer with coils in the front.

For the rear you need blocks.

and you may also want to invest into some camber adjusters as well, and will prob have to loose your bumpstops.

Pile it on until you get to the height that you want :p:


Ok so where can I buy a Camber kit for my truck. And leaf springs that will lower it? I want it to be even in the front and the rear. And when you say blocks? what do yiu mean are there special blocks made for lower a truck? And thabks everyone for helping me out.

Ok so where can I buy a Camber kit for my truck. And leaf springs that will lower it? I want it to be even in the front and the rear. And when you say blocks? what do yiu mean are there special blocks made for lower a truck? And thabks everyone for helping me out.

They are called lift and lowering blocks. They lower Explorers becasue the spring is under the axle. I believe 3" is the biggest they make.

Any parts store will have the camber bolt kit. Any alignment shop should have them as well. You will need an alignment after lowering it.
