Improving kids batting with an ole' tire? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Improving kids batting with an ole' tire?


Active Member
February 25, 2008
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South Carolina
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96 XLT
I was old that hitting an ole' tire with a baseball bat will improve your kids hitting power. I suppose b/c it will strengthen the wrists and forearms.

From the reading that I've done the best is a tire that moves not a stationary tire.
The problem is, all the limbs in my yard are pretty high, meaning the rope attached to the tire will be long and the tire will swing woo much.

Has anyone here ever made something like this?
I just need an idea how to keep the tire from swinging way off and having to stop the tire just to hit it again.
I believe the tire needs to be somewhat stationary.
Any ideas?

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Hang the tire from the tree, but attach another length of rope to the bottom and tie it to something on the ground, like a stake in the ground.


Sorry for the lack of artistic details, but that shoudl help you. Especially if you get enough tension on the ropes it shouldn't move to much.

Also, take a look at these exercises:

I highly recommend the third one, the "Wrist Rolls". They sell equipment at most sports stores, or you can make your own. A lot of people over estimate Wrist Rolls because it looks easy. But if you keep your arms perfectly horizontal and use ONLY your wrists and hands to bring it up slowly, and let it down slowly it gets really brutal.

Good luck

Thanks, I'll give that a try.

The wrist rolls I mentioned, I do them 3 times a day, 3 reps each. May not sound like a lot, but trust me, if you do it right, with about 7.5lbs, it is. My wrists and forearms are a LOT stronger now, I'm starting to develop the muscle enough that there's a 'line' from it.

I would think that wrist rolls would be much more beneficial that hitting an old tire like that- kids have non-formed bones and weak tendons- I can't imagine that the shock of swinging into a tire and the resulting shock back to their limbs, muscles, tendons and joints would be good for them at all... Just my .02 but man- that doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all :(

I would think that wrist rolls would be much more beneficial that hitting an old tire like that- kids have non-formed bones and weak tendons- I can't imagine that the shock of swinging into a tire and the resulting shock back to their limbs, muscles, tendons and joints would be good for them at all... Just my .02 but man- that doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all :(

They would get the same benefit as one of those balls on a rope you put around a pole or something. I think it woudl depend what type of bat you used as to how much shock you would get, I would think using a wood bat on a rubber tire would be best, and not on the tread part. It shoudl be hit on the sidewall.

I'm a former High School player, and the only thing that helped me was batting batting and more batting practice. Take as much practice as you can, and try different stuff, for me I stood way in front of the plate and that worked perfect for me.

I would think that wrist rolls would be much more beneficial that hitting an old tire like that- kids have non-formed bones and weak tendons- I can't imagine that the shock of swinging into a tire and the resulting shock back to their limbs, muscles, tendons and joints would be good for them at all... Just my .02 but man- that doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all :(
There's really no "shock" to speak of... no more than hitting a ball. Hence the reason you use an old tire. When i was a kid our little league coach had a setup just like the drawing above. You hit the tire at the sidewall and spin it around like a top. Works like a charm.
