Instrument Panel Lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Instrument Panel Lights


March 23, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Littleton, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT 4x4 4.0L SOHC
How difficult is it to replace the top center bulb on the instrument panel between the Tach & Speedo ? (99 Explorer) What is the replacement bulb number.
Thanks, Ken

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Check out this thread. It discusses replacing the cluster with indiglo guages but it should be the same removal process for just replacing the bulbs.l

Indiglo Guages

Well the bulbs are 194/168's, and it isnt too hard to change..i believe the way to change it it on the thread above. best of luck

It's not hard at all, i found it to be a bit time consuming though. But, it was well worth it to have all the gauges lit. That thread was very helpful for me.

Two things that I'd add, if you're big boned (like I am), you might find removing the driver's seat helpful. Sure makes things move along smoother and faster when you dont have to cramp up between the seat and the dash.

Also, be careful with your cabin light switch when you reinstall the lower dash panel. Twice I forced the switch in crooked, and it wouldn't turn..

The indiglo gauge write up is great to follow. Just turn the instrument cluster over when you get it out and you have access to the bulbs. I did mine about a month ago, but I didn't have enought bulbs to complete the job. My whole right side was out, and now the center still does not work. I am going to try to drop the steering column next time. I had a hell of a time getting the instrument cluster out from behind the steering wheel. Just to let you know, I used the 194 bulb.
