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Interesting X on Ebay

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Did you notice the mirror on the center console? what's that for?

somebody liked the booger sugar a little too much when making that truck...

Wow. Looks like a lot of work went into that Show Truck. So far, $7200 with a day to go on the bid. It'll probably be more than twice that when it is all over.

I think that interior would give me a headache if I had to drive it.
All that work and it has butt ugly wheels.
I think there are better wheels out there that would give it a better look.

I think it is horrid...

The homemade flame job and paint just isn't cutting it with me. The interior is WAY too bright. The "bling bling baller" Lexani rims were in style about 3 years ago. I love the painted over emblems too.

Ew, its got way too much goin on under the hood...Way too bright!


Ok, after a 2nd look, I have a few more critics. :D

Loose the step bars if they aren't gonna match them with the paint.

The steering wheel and column. These dark items with so much other light items seem out of place. I kept thinking, "What? No red on the steering wheel?"

What's with the mirrors on the ceiling?

Definitely an interesting truck.

Originally posted by Johnstone
Definitely an interesting truck.

An interesting truck...............................for me to poop on! :D

I like the general direction of the truck, like the flames and all, but they could have been painted a little smoother flowing and not so choppy. I don't like the interior at all. Too much red and upon closer inspection I noticed that they have mirrors all over the inside. I would have painted the step bars and put on some chrome Cobra R's.

I think that is an UGLY explorer, they got way too crazy with the paint-gun...too much red!!! The exterior paint looks kinda crappy to me (it's not that shiney) but it could be the pics. Oh well, some sucker will buy it and be on their way to bling blingin around town.

it needs clear corners, should have never painted the rear emblems red, went way overboard on the interior and way too much red all around. i will give much credit for the time and $$$ put into that thing...i mean X..i think :rolleyes:

I like the flames because they are some what ghost'd.

Hate the rims, yuck.

Like the interior ONLY because of the fact that I havent seen an explorer so riced like that and it is like our version of all the ugly civics and preludes, altho i dont like it, i like it because it is riced. sounds messed becuase i hate rice but i dont know. Wouldnt drive it/buy it tho.

it has clear corners, just yellow bulbs in them.

oh man, you're right. thats stupid. put clears in and make them look orange again :rolleyes:

Is it just me or does it look like there's still cocaine on the mirror? Time to get the dust buster out.


  • mirror.jpg
    43.9 KB · Views: 541


Looks like a crappy single stage paint job as well. Half assed on a budget. And my god those wheels need to go.

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It says NOPI on the intake... Need i say more? :)
