Internet History for Windows? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Internet History for Windows?

Blue Steel

Well-Known Member
March 19, 2001
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Explorer '97 XLT SOHC
Here's one for you knowledgable folks. After I clear my history, temporary internet files, and cookies from my computer, all the history of the internet sites I've visited should be gone... right? Well when I go into the Internet Options in Windows under the General tab, the history will still be there when I try and type in a web site for setting my home page. After typing the "http://" for the home page, all the web sites with that prefix at the beginning pop up into a list under the box to input the web site. How do I get rid of this list of sites that I've visited? Thanks everyone.

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I don't have a definate answer for that one, but I know that my machine used to do the same thing. I'm running Win98. Sometimes I would have to clear the History several times before it took. Try clearing everything, then restart and see if it's generally is. I re-formated the entire a system a while back, and no longer have this problem.

In Win98 the IE address bar autocomplete addresses are kept in the registry rather than in internet history. I'm not sure how you actually clear it without going in and hacking the registry.

thanks for the responses everyone. going to try it out tonite on the home computer. it always amazes me how much windows really does without you knowing, that is if you didn't look for it.
