I recently bought an iPhone 5. I was a little weary hearing some of the comments on here. Well, after 2 weeks I'm happy to report it is working with MFT better than my Android did.
Here is what works with 6.3.1
SMS text: yes
My wife and I both have an iPhone 4S. Is SMS Text the same as iMessage and if so how do I get the MSG to show up or read on MFT. Second question, her phone is the favorite in the system, every few days or about 250 miles she claims there's a prob with the truck can I chk it out and get gas while I'm at it, should my phone automatically connect when hers is not detected. I know it's been almost a week so I'm sure ill be "checking out" some problem today or tomorrow and will try the text feature out. Seriously no problems with truck or MFT I just don't get to play with it. Thx.