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iPhone 5 works great with MFT

I recently bought an iPhone 5. I was a little weary hearing some of the comments on here. Well, after 2 weeks I'm happy to report it is working with MFT better than my Android did.

Here is what works with 6.3.1

SMS text: yes

My wife and I both have an iPhone 4S. Is SMS Text the same as iMessage and if so how do I get the MSG to show up or read on MFT. Second question, her phone is the favorite in the system, every few days or about 250 miles she claims there's a prob with the truck can I chk it out and get gas while I'm at it, should my phone automatically connect when hers is not detected. I know it's been almost a week so I'm sure ill be "checking out" some problem today or tomorrow and will try the text feature out. Seriously no problems with truck or MFT I just don't get to play with it. Thx.

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I have been driving a demo 13 Sport this week and besides absolutely loving the way it drives the MFT works way better then my 13 Limited.......seriously.

I recently bought an iPhone 5. I was a little weary hearing some of the comments on here. Well, after 2 weeks I'm happy to report it is working with MFT better than my Android did.

Here is what works with 6.3.1

SMS text: yes

My wife and I both have an iPhone 4S. Is SMS Text the same as iMessage and if so how do I get the MSG to show up or read on MFT.

They are both the same. I have found the messages don't stay up on the main screen very long. I usually use the small right display to listen to the messages. Or I press the listen button on the main screen.

I have been driving a demo 13 Sport this week and besides absolutely loving the way it drives the MFT works way better then my 13 Limited.......seriously.

Lucky SOB. My wife's iPhone5 and mine quit working in our 13 Sport and then starting working again (kinda, hardly), a month later.

Had to get gas in wife's ex so I got to drive it. Both iPhone 4S's one with 6.1.2 one with 6.1.3 show text msg on MFT. It stays up for a few seconds with options and then it's only available on right side driver display. It will text responses but only the pretyped msgs. As previously mentioned need to turn on "show notifications" on iPhone.
iPhone settings
Settings- Bluetooth
Bluetooth- SYNC
SYNC- show notifications ON

so what is the right answer? can an iphone 4s/5 send/receive text messasges via MFT with the latest MFT level of 6.3.2?
