Is anybody good with Photoshop? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is anybody good with Photoshop?


I'll have another...
March 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
Can you do me a favor? The white is growing on me, but id like some contrast. Me and Photoshop have never gotten along, and doing it on "Paint" just flat out looks like ass.

What I would like someone todo is take this picture:

And make my front bumper a glossy black, maybe touch up the little rust spot on the hood, or blend it in so its not so noticeable, and maybe do another pic (Same original picture, but with the bumper done,) and do the fender flares black...

I would really appreciate it! Im just trying to get some ideas, because I have plans in the Spring to get her painted black, but the whites growing on me, its just that theres too much white....thanks alot!

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Yea I thought you knew I had been savin up for a while

nope I had no idea you were going to get one this soon, looks like a nice ex though.

well heres my attempt.....not the greatest..


Thats awesome man, thanks so much! Not even comparable to anything that would have came out if I tried :)


Yea I seen that one a few days ago, I dont really care for the way it looks, without the rear bumper and whatnot I mean, but it does look a little better with the black.

I do plan on keeping this one, (dreaming) I hope to get a rollpan without breaking the bank, but until then, ill be scoping the online world of CL to find a good clean bumper, or one with only surface rust.
