Is my overdrive gone kaPUT? first gens with autos inside, or other knowledgable folks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is my overdrive gone kaPUT? first gens with autos inside, or other knowledgable folks


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
AB, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport
since i've done quite a bit of highway driving lately (now back from vacation) i noticed before i left and decided not to bother with it that my X revs really high at highway speeds.

when its in overdrive (drive with the O around it) at 120 KILOMETERS an hour shes revvin at like 3500 rpm.

at 100 kph if i drop into regular drive she does not shift down at all, it seems like she hits third gear and thats as high as she will go. i had her up to about 150-160 kph and the tach was at a wopping 4500 rpm or thereabouts.

its not an electronic overdrive but i'm wondering if maybe i'm just being edgy er what. if you are cruisin at 110 er so and hammer it to the floor theres no down shift she just stays in that gear and climbs up the speed.

any ideas?

thanks guys,


Definately sounds like your Overdrive Band is toast. From what you are saying, your Torque Converter is unlocked (spinning freely) in third gear

so is that a transmission to be replaced if the overdrive 'belt' is gone?

what about this torque converter....

at those engine speeds, the tc is locked up...not freespooling..... it does sound like your overdrive band is gone though...... time for a tranny rebuild... the other gears may be ok, but you have to take apart the tranny to replace od anyways, so at least have it check out..... basically, if you are keeping that tranny, it has to be rebuilt....
