Is the 4.0 a german engine?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is the 4.0 a german engine??


April 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
San Jose california
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 xlt sport
when i had my bronco II with the 2.9 engine i noticed that it had some parts made in germany. Now since the 4.0 is its direct descendant ( it is.. isn't it?) is it also a german engine?? What is the history of this motor? And while im at it what have you guys and ladies found to be the best weight oil to use and what filter brand would you reccomend for quiet running long lasting etc..... remeebr i live in San jose know the way? Thanks and I love this forum more and more each day :confused: :confused:

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I believe the codename for the 4.0 OHV is the Köln or Cologne engine, so yes it has ties to Germany. However, I dunno if they were actually made in Germany or not.

I use 10-30 oil and usually the Motorcraft or similar filter. I believe 10-30 is the recommended oil, but some members use 5-30, 0-30, 10-40, etc; based on home weather.

Originally posted by peterdaniel66
best weight oil to use and what filter brand would you reccomend for quiet running long lasting etc.....

Ford recommends 5w30 for the 4.0 sohc, my motor; however, I use Mobil1 0w30 and Mobil 1 filter. This combo works great for me in the heat of Florida ( its 88 F right now ).

Good luck.....

Yes all the engine like the 2.6, 2.8,2.9, 4.0 are Cologne engines. I beleive they were maybe designed in germany and produced in the states.

Take a look near the top of this (General Explorations) forum. Their is a link to an oil filter study.
