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is this normal?


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
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my '01 5.0L starts instantly when cold. if it's warm (say after sitting for 30-40 mins) it takes it maybe 4-5 secs of cranking to start. new plugs (autolite double plats) new'ish fuel filter and runs perfectly once started. is this normal?

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Nope, not normal. It should start just as quickly
when warm as when cold. If there are no codes,
might be the fuel pump getting lazy. Try turning
the key on and waiting for 2 seconds before
turning to start. This gives the pump time to prime.
If it starts quicker, that confirms the pump is tired...

Nope, not normal. It should start just as quickly
when warm as when cold. If there are no codes,
might be the fuel pump getting lazy. Try turning
the key on and waiting for 2 seconds before
turning to start. This gives the pump time to prime.
If it starts quicker, that confirms the pump is tired...

Assuming it's the pump (could be at 180K) does anyone have a recommendation on a replacment pump? RockAuto shows them starting at $27.79 for a universal pump going up to $325.xx Motorcraft.

Is this normal

I replaced mine a month ago. Bought from NAPA. Got it for $129 and change. Federal Mogul, hopefully made in USA. At least the box was. Napa was a bit cheaper than, or close to AutoZone, OReillys, Carquest. I don't have any extra cash for repairs, but the fuel pump was worth springing for the extra bucks. In my opinion.
Also, I cut the floor. Damn glad I did.

For vital components, I almost always go Motorcraft. It's more expensive, but these are parts that are tested to last for hundreds of thousands to millions of cycles, under a variety of conditions. That being said, quite a bit of that stuff is sourced as OEM from other suppliers, such as Federal Mogul, Moog, Raybestos, etc. So if you go with a quality aftermarket, you'll get performance pretty similar to OEM, if not the same or better.

As for a 30 dollar universal? I'd rather have a grizzly eat my testicles than install some piece of crap like that in a vehicle.

For vital components, I almost always go Motorcraft. It's more expensive, but these are parts that are tested to last for hundreds of thousands to millions of cycles, under a variety of conditions. That being said, quite a bit of that stuff is sourced as OEM from other suppliers, such as Federal Mogul, Moog, Raybestos, etc. So if you go with a quality aftermarket, you'll get performance pretty similar to OEM, if not the same or better.

As for a 30 dollar universal? I'd rather have a grizzly eat my testicles than install some piece of crap like that in a vehicle.

Trust me, I was only using the $30 universal pump price as an example. I won't put that in my X any more than I'd pop for the $325 Motorcraft. Two extremes. I'll probably go with something like the Federal Mogul. Thanks for your input.

Federal Mogul is a good choice. They're OEM for quite a few parts for lots of manufacturers. I don't remember right off the top of my head what their warranty is, but I do know I've never had their parts fail before an expected end of life.

My 99 5.0 also does this, tho I dont suspect I have a weak or failing fuel pump. It always starts and runs great sometimes it just take a long crank.
I also do not suspect a loss of fuel pressure due to a bad in tank check valve. See that problem in alot of Chryslers.

I have 235k on the original pump. Truck pulls like a freight train if you mash the gas. I dont think mine does it all the time, my wife drives it so I dont know it as well as her.
Did just replace my 4 year old premium battery today when they tested it they said it was so bad it would not test out tho it started the truck fine. Had to give $28 for a $135 battery after 4 years ? LoL Seem like my tach functions properly again with the new battery, hope it improves starting. Jeeps will hard start and run awful with a bad battery so I'm hoping.

my battery is almost new and not exhibiting any sign of weakness. i'm just gonna keep an eye on things for awhile and see if it gets any worse.

today was the first cool day we've had in several months. the truck started right up cold (as usual) i then went shopping and the truck sat for about 40 mins in 70 degree temp. when i restarted the truck it fired right up w/out the typical 4-5 seconds of cranking. it makes we wonder if my problem might be the CTS. i'll need a few more cool days to know if this is a possibility. a lot cheaper than a fuel pump (and easier to install) if it's the culprit.
