dc to ac connector | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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dc to ac connector

Dennis J.A.A.

Well-Known Member
December 26, 2021
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South/central Wisconsin - Janesville
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Interceptor
I have this dc to ac receptacle but I need the back 5 pin connector with maybe at least 6" of wire to play with.

Obviously there will be 12 vdc for the LED on the front then + wire, a - wire and a ground wire and I can find those with my VOM. When it is all figured out I will post it.
I do NOT have the factory dc/ac inverter but I do have an inverter that works well that I will make an extension to so that I can just plug into it. (except the 12 vdc)


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AFAICT the connector is a WPT-285 aka 3U2Z-14S411-JBB or 3U2Z-14S411-JBA. If that doesn't look right, you can see if you can ID the connector needed from something like this:

If it weren't for that, I'd be tempted to plug a 3 prong plug into the socket side, to keep the pins located and sink away heat for the next step.

Next, solder wires to the pins. Make a tight fitting loop in each wire to slide over the pin, keep it closer to the end rather than base of the pin to decrease amount of heat making it to the plastic before the solder has flowed, then put heatshrink tubing over each to secure in place.

Otherwise you could seek the connector from a junkyard (also looking in late model Ford Trucks), or if there's a Ford part # on it, search some dealer parts site like White Bear Lake Ford and if it lists the part, it may show a diagram with related parts like the connector. The outlet itself might have the part # BC3Z-19N236-A or FL3Z-19A487-B or similar... letters at the end, sometimes change.

I don't know how they implemented that outlet, but it's possible that there's a switch inside, so that when you plug a plug into it, it switches the coil for a distant relay to turn the inverter on... I mean in your case a relay, the original ford inverter might have the circuit built into it... and would need to be quite a beefy relay to switch tens of amps or more, maybe a transistor based relay is the better option instead of mechanical. I don't know what if any of this circuitry might already be built into the vehicle. Then again you could manually switch it on and off, but if you forget to turn it off and it stays live when the vehicle is off, seems like a potential battery drain liability.

AFAICT the connector is a WPT-285 aka 3U2Z-14S411-JBB or 3U2Z-14S411-JBA. If that doesn't look right, you can see if you can ID the connector needed from something like this:

If it weren't for that, I'd be tempted to plug a 3 prong plug into the socket side, to keep the pins located and sink away heat for the next step.

Next, solder wires to the pins. Make a tight fitting loop in each wire to slide over the pin, keep it closer to the end rather than base of the pin to decrease amount of heat making it to the plastic before the solder has flowed, then put heatshrink tubing over each to secure in place.

Otherwise you could seek the connector from a junkyard (also looking in late model Ford Trucks), or if there's a Ford part # on it, search some dealer parts site like White Bear Lake Ford and if it lists the part, it may show a diagram with related parts like the connector. The outlet itself might have the part # BC3Z-19N236-A or FL3Z-19A487-B or similar... letters at the end, sometimes change.

I don't know how they implemented that outlet, but it's possible that there's a switch inside, so that when you plug a plug into it, it switches the coil for a distant relay to turn the inverter on... I mean in your case a relay, the original ford inverter might have the circuit built into it... and would need to be quite a beefy relay to switch tens of amps or more, maybe a transistor based relay is the better option instead of mechanical. I don't know what if any of this circuitry might already be built into the vehicle. Then again you could manually switch it on and off, but if you forget to turn it off and it stays live when the vehicle is off, seems like a potential battery drain liability.
Great info, thanks!
I also looked through Google images at the 5-cavity connectors and couldn't find it.
Here is what I am thinking now.
If someone has the same receptacle maybe they can give me the mfg name and model number of the inverter and I can go directly through the mfg and see if they can guide me or sell me what I need. It will actually be the same cable that is in the console of the regular Explorer probably because I see that people have broken the receptacle cover off and replaced it and it was just a matter of unplugging old and plugging in the new.
In the mean time I will see if I can find the Explorer wiring diagram for the console.
I really appreciate the link you gave me and I am keeping that in my folder.

The inverter is probably custom made for Ford, including Ford connectors. I mean the inverter company probably makes several and customizes to the customer spec. and may have an NDA so they don't supply this info... it's still worth a shot, at worst you just get told sorry... can't help or get the runaround.

The inverter is probably custom made for Ford, including Ford connectors. I mean the inverter company probably makes several and customizes to the customer spec. and may have an NDA so they don't supply this info... it's still worth a shot, at worst you just get told sorry... can't help or get the runaround.
This is true! My eyes are going crossed just looking at Google and other places

buy a console with the a/c outlet and it will include all the wiring needed. the inverter is on the passenger side near the glove box. 16+ below.

unnamed (1).jpg





buy a console with the a/c outlet and it will include all the wiring needed. the inverter is on the passenger side near the glove box. 16+ below.

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Unfortunately, yours has a different pin pattern.
I have a 2017 PIU
Here is the pattern
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I believe the top will be ground
Next will be hot and the next neutral
Then 12vdc hot and 12 vdc ground

well when you get your 6 pin connector, do reply.
Oh I plan on letting everyone know everything. Sharing information is what this group is all about!
