island state beach whoops | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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island state beach whoops

Today was the first day on the beach with my new 32 bfg m/t. I used to have 31 bfg a/t, i air down to 15-20 psi usually. Never had a problem. Today with my new tires i air down to 15-20 closer to 20psi. The mud terrains are going to dig in a bit more i figured. I wasn't going fishing today just a test run up and back down the beach. When i started to come back up the beach i noticed my truck was running really hot, and i was loosing power sort-of. I was almost 3/4 way back and i really wasn't going anywhere and the engine was between 2-3000 rpm. So i stopped and went to start going again, except now i wasn't moving and i was in drive!!!!:mad: The truck temp is HOT. I get out and look in the sand, i have a trail of fluid spray in the sand as far as i can see. NOT GOOD! Check oil (looks good) check tranny fluid (non existent). Some one gives me a ride to the ranger station (thanks). Get there and call for the tow truck (jacked up f-350 old ford wrecker). Go back to my truck and wait. He shows up puts 6 quarts of tranny fluid in. told me to air down to 10-12psi and that it overheated because i had the wrong tire pressure in. I never knew tranny fluid would boil up like that. Well I drove off the beach myself and it cost me $120 for his services and fluid! I 'm due for a tranny fluid/filter change now anyway so i'll do that tomorrow. Better safe than sorry. Thanks for listening, and don't forget to air down "correct pressure does make a difference" ;)

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I overheated on the beach in Nags Head this past summer. I think I had a clog in my coolant lines cause it happened one day and then not the next, kinda crazy...

I don't usually have tranny overheating problems on the beach, its usually engine overheating problems. tranny fluid boil over is dangerous because it can catch fire. It happened to my friends BII and the engine bay caught on fire right out on the beach.

What Color are the permits this year

I believe first gen and maybe second gen explorer transmissions have problem with the seals when they get to hot. Ive heard of people loosing all thier atf because the tranny over heated and all the fluid leaked out. they waited a couple of hours filled the tranny back up and it ran fine. Also did the ranger give you any crap for your trans leaking? I know its a rule that your vehicle not be leaking any fluid when youre @ island beach state park.

If you dont have a cooler get one. The larger tires are making your Torque Converter work harder and that adds heat to the fluid. May try a lower gear- (removing more air from the tire reduces the height, increasing the final drive ratio) Running 32s with the gears that were designed for the 29s will make the trans work much harder than it did stock.

You may not have a problem with the seal again, but make sure the trans has the correct amount of fluid- not too much, or too little- particularly before you head off the payment. Hopefully the heat didnt kill the seals- what color was the fluid that came out? . May want to replace the servo seals, and check the Valve Body bolt torques.

I had the tranny fluid all drained and changed monday. They drained the torque converter and did filters. I had the tranny rebuilt at 124k or so. It has 178k now. I had no problems since then we waited about 2 hours filled the tranny back up and i drove home. The ranger was cool with it didn't bust my balls, i went to school with his kid. I guess he was more occupied looking at my girlfriend:eek: I'm probably gonna air down to 10psi for the rest of the summer/mud terr.suck in sand. What should i drive in(overdrive-drive-2-1)?
Beach badges are yellow. I bought mine in DEC. and i was 5hundred something already. If anyone here fishes island state beach, let me know maybee well hook up BBQ and catch some fish!!!!

I believe it was CCR 2000 where Perry's Purple Monster pulled a stunt like that. Just cruising easy trails around Ouray his tranny fluid boiled over and left him about a half gallon low. I'm not sure if he ever did figure out why it overheated, but I don't think he had any trouble after we let it cool and topped it off.
