It's almost Thanksgiving Day - What are YOU thankful for? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It's almost Thanksgiving Day - What are YOU thankful for?


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
86-98 Ranger STX
Well, the title says it all...

We celebrate Thanksgiving Day in America, but most people just use the day as an excuse to blow diets and food budgets. I thought I would give the Exporerforum folks a chance to share with their friends the things that they are thankful for on Thanksgiving Day.

So, post away...

I'll start...

I am thankful for a God that cares enough to offer an abundant life, full of joy and love, and that He has provided for me a wife and children that make life so very interesting and enjoyable.

I am also thankful for His providence each and every day... for the air we breath, water we drink, food, clothing, shelter, friends, off-road trucks...

For letting us live in this time and this place - where we can freely express ourselves in both religious and political ways without fear of retribution, and where we can freely move from place to place without having to answer to any government official or agency...

For giving us a bountiful natural world to play in...

For letting us experience love...

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I am Thankful
1. That our big fat 20+ pound turkey will fit in the frier.
2. I have the patience to put up with the relatives (especially the jerks).

I'm very thankful that I have awesome parents. I don't think I would get by college (December Grad!!! :D) without them supporting me financially and emotionally.

I'm also thankful that I have few, but very close friends. They always help me putting things in perspective. It's a great feeling when you know they're always backing ya up when you're in trouble. :)

I'm also thankful for...FOOD!!!!!!! :p

I'm thankfull for many things... My wife and son of course, I'm thankfull for all of the normal reasons, my home, my family, my friends. Some of the other things I'm thankfull for though are the the fact that I have the freedom that I do have to celebrate the holidays, the freedom as glfredrick said to move where I want to and live where I want to... Unfortunatly I realize that this freedom comes at a price... A price that if you ask me not enough people in this country take the time to think about or even realize!!! I'm thankfull for the men and women that have served, are serving and are going to serve in the armed forces... If it weren't for these people there is no guarantee that these freedoms would continue... Its a high price to pay, and I'm thankfull that some men and women have paid the price so that I can enjoy the things that I enjoy on a daily basis...

I hope everyone will take some time this year to reflect on the things that you enjoy most, and be thankfull for the people that have made it so you can!!!

Im thankful for China King Buffet and Stove Top stuffing, cause they will be providing my Thanksgiving dinner. 3rd year in a row I will be enjoying dinner in my apt eating chinese food and stuffing, its starting to become a little ritual.

Thankful that my transmission continues to shift, most of the time.

Thankful for the fact that your over there, and we are over here :) ;) :D :D :eek: :confused: :mattmoon: :chug: :uk: :uk: :uk: :uk: :uk:

I am thankful for being alive, yeah my life's not great by any means, and i don't have a job right now.... but im thankful that i can be alive and free... im thankful that im about to be a father, this will be a major growing up test for me.... wow, ill be 40 when my kid starts college! and 40 really isnt old at all!

and 40 really isnt old at all!

For one that is almost 50 - I realize now that 40 was still young - it gets worse year by year... And, for you guys that are worried - the mind isn't the first thing to go... :D

Thankful for my wife (who puts up with me), my toys and especially the US Armed Forces that put their lives on the line so I can live the life I choose.

And, thankful that all of you contribute to this Forum site. It makes owning an Explorer all the more fun.

Texplorer - you're welcome to join us if you find yourself in Chicago.

Happy Thanksgiving to All - Dave

hmm im thankful for my girlfriend, knowledge, my explorer, hot pockets(sausage pizza), my man parts and thats it for now. ill think of some more later.

Well this is one of the first years I have something to be seriously thankful for - other than the typical list of things I used to rattle off. My father had a massive stroke this past July - something that could've left him a vegetable or even killed him. After days in the hospital, numerous doctor's appointments and therapy, he is today not much different than before he had the stroke. All of the medical professionals involved in his care say it's a miracle he has no paralysis or lasting brain damage.

So, I'm very thankful he'll be around a bit longer and for the great, close immediate family I have. To be thankful for anything else right now would be missing the point of Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a good one!

-- I'm thankful that I can now live in the house I'm paying for. Had to work this past year in Harrisburg PA because my company closed the maintenance base where I live. Commuting home to see the family on weekends sucks. Now I have a job back at the same airport I used to work at.

-- I'm also thankful that John Kerry won't be President.

My fiance

My propane grill... without it, I would starve.

I'm thankful for the life that the Almighty has blessed me with, the good times and the bad. The people before me that made the sacrifices that have kept this land free. The courage of our family members that left their homelands to come to this country. My wonderful family: my wife, our three sons, our daughters, our sons and daughters-in-law and all of our grandchildren (7 + 1 in the oven). Our extended families.

I am extremely thankful for:
my family
my health
living in America
for American Armed Forces

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Im thankful to be alive tonite...Tonite I was involved in a crazy motorcycle accident. I m lucky to have been able to get up and walk away with only scrapes...not so lucky though cuz my bike is now totalled.
