It's done! I have my own X | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It's done! I have my own X


Well-Known Member
August 28, 2002
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Vw passat estate
Iv'e done the leap, now i own an -00 X, feels good so far..
I'd just had to tell u..

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Congrats! Welcome to the site. Try the search option to learn about any mods,help with problems or learn about your X. You will find info on just about everything. This is a great website! Post some pics!!!!!! Let's see it!!!!


A second congrats on your new purchase! Now just sit back, enjoy the site, and watch your money dissapeer into mods and gas! :)

A second congrats on your new purchase! Now just sit back, enjoy the site, and watch your money disappear into mods and gas :)

sorry, itz 4 am, i don't know whut im doing, sorry again

InS0mNiAc - you need to go back to sleep or is it go to sleep?:D


congrats on your new (to you) explorer!

Uups.. many thanks! dont you sleep in this hrs over there:eek:

jepp im goin to get some photos soon, and i've found some nice mods already om this site...its sad fact that the X is'n very common over here, so the mods ar'n very easy to get...

whoa ur in sweden heh, thats kinda far, what am I doing up....goin to bed



how is it equipted?

post some pictures and a link, so we can see your "euro" spec ex!


Originally posted by InS0mNiAc
A second congrats on your new purchase! Now just sit back, enjoy the site, and watch your money disappear into mods and gas :)

This is so true!


Well, idunno, if its very different from your's over there..
but i shall get some pic's, i'v looked on a few and they are mostly the same all of them over here,
mine: (the rest)
dark green met (over 80% are over here...)
steel grey lower tone
4.0 sohc (most of them)
5-speed Aut, (99.9%)
gray leather interiour (90%)
pwr, everything (99%)
moonroof (lots of them)
leveling (?)
Ac, (everyone)
well i will get pic's...and its name is if i recall 1FMDU34E5XUC74290

Hi Fredde!
It´s good to see one more swede in here, welcome.
I´m very satisfied with my X, I hope that you are goin
to be that too. Where do you live in Sweden?:cool:


Järna outside Södertälje, a bit away from Trollis.. i'v looked and looked for an Swed site for X but i'dnt find one, have you?

Well so far its just fine i'd got 1,14/mil when we drove to Dalarna this weekend i can live with that, don't you think?
Maybe we shuld get an Swed sub group on this site?

There is a site in Germany
I have pics when i´m offroad wheelin with my X on that
sites galery. The lowest mileage I have done so far is
1,06/mil with 700 kg payload in the X at the highway
(overload) he he. This is the best Explorer and 4X4 site
in my opinion. There is so much interest information in


? 1.06/mil...?? How did you manage that, and with over load....You din't use the Cruise control did you?

Mattias.. I saw your truck on that site! It looks very nice!

? please explain..

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section525: Thank´s for the coment!

Fredde: I can tell you that I was very carefully with the
accelerator because of the overload (beer bought in Germany) I was drivin at highway E6. I didn´t use the
cruise control and held it in 100km/h.
When I drove it on the Autobahn in 130km/h (when I
imported it from Germany) I had a mileage of 1,11/mil
with no load except for 2 plates of beer;)

