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JBA catfowards on

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What engine do you have?

I'm guessing either the 5.0 or the OHV, there isn't a header kit for the SOHC.

Glad you like them. I got my headers before the s/c. Lost low end torque and gained hwy hp. They work really well with the s/c though.

its a sport...gotta be ohv

alec, if i am guessing correct he has a OHV and not a 302..... his sig says he has a 98 sport, and i dont think sports came with the 302 unless he did an engine swap....sweet...... i want headers ;)

There ya go, by process of elimination, OHV!!!

It sure is!

And I just dusted my freind 01 sport trac! I thought I was lying about it being a OHV! Don
