JVC KD-SH707 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 16, 2001
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Anyone have the JVC KD-SH707? Anyone know anything about it? Good? Bad? I'm considering getting this one to replace my JVC KD-LX1 ElCameleon. I want something that plays MP3s on a CD-R and I have no complaints about my JVC.

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I have the older SH99 model and I love it. the sound quality is great. The only thing I wish it had was a 5 band EQ, which I beleive the new ones have. Im not too sure if the 707 plays Mp3 though, I know that the 909 does.

From what I've read, it plays MP3s off a CD, CD-R or a CD-RW. What confuses me is the MP3 Input plug on the face. Anyone know what thats for?
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my friend has that model and he has an MP3 player device that he downloads songs from his computer to, then plugs into that headunit and plays the song off it.

yeah, i just bought it. I found out that I can put them on a CD RW and it will play them right off that. As many folders as I want.

Its just an auxilary input in the front to attach an mp3/md device.

You should go to www.highwayMPe2.com and get MP3BR, you can get a trial version thats the full blown program. Its great for doing things like ID3tags. All the CDs I've ripped were without ID3tags, You can just put the m in a play list and pick ID3- title to tag and it tags all fo them almost instantly. It'll also print a playlist for each CD if you want

OK, I got my radio and got it installed. I burned a CD RW with 150 songs on it and it works good. My problem is, I can't figure out how to use a CD RW like a CD RW. I want to make it like a direct CD, but when I do that, its formatted for a drive letter and the radio wont read it. If I just burn the CD RW I have to close the session which means I cant go back and add a song in under an existing directory. Does anyone know how to do what I want it to do? I have Adaptec.

Rewritable means you can erase the contents of the disk then write to it again. What you are doing is packet writting to the CD. Only CD burners will recognize un-closed disks like this. What I recommend is that you make you mix and save the file of what you had on the disk to your hard drive somewhere. Then when you want to change something, erase the RW, make your changes to the file listing, save your new listing, then burn it again. CDs are so cheap though I dont know why you would even use RWs.

I thought there would be some way that I could use the CD RW like a HD so that I could just quickly add a new song to it under an existing directory. I guess I'll have to format the CD everytime I want to do that tho. :(

I usually buy a 50-disk spindle of CD-R's. If you find them on sale they can be as cheap as 10 cents per disk.

wait so those who know about the input plug i have a question...

is it a standard plug like a headphone plug or is it specially designed for the JVC MP3 unit?

I ask because i have a Jukebox 10GB and i have been trying to hook it up for a while...I tried a FM Modulator and I kind of like it but i could also use the other features of the JVC KD-SH707.

Thanks in advance...

I am going to be ordering a JVC KD-SH909 next week some time. It took me forever debating between this one and the Pioneer DEH-8400. After comparing the two, they basically have all the same features, the JVC just doesnt have the fancy screen (which i dont really like anyways) and the JVC is about $150 cheaper than the Pioneer. Anyways, as soon as I get it installed I will post some pics and such.

I like my SH707. I liked my ElKameleon better tho. I think it sounded better and was easier to use. Maybe I just need to mess with the new one some more.

have you tried the input plug yet, is it good quality or have you have any problems yet...

holla back...

no, have not tried the plug yet. when i get my truck back from the dealer i'll give it a shot with my yepp.

thanks bro

I would assume you could plug any device in there like a walkman or discman. Not that you would need to because it has AM/FM and a CD player. The only thing I can see a use for is something huge with tons of songs on it. I wonder if I could plug my computer in that slot..... hmmmmmmmm Dead Link Removed

yea man, if it will work for my mp3 player which i assume it will, it will link up the same way with your computer...

btw, i do belive it is worth it, i have 90 albums on my jukebox now, hehe...

thanks again

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I wouldnt expect to much plugging something into the reciever. The output amps of the portable players arent known for good clean sound. If you wanna run mp3s go for burning the cd's.
Just my $.002
