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Lift Kit


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May 29, 2010
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Explorer 1996

Anybody know where I can get get a 2" or 3" lift kit for my Explorer 4.0L SOHC V6. Its a standard RHD UK model leaf spring rear, someone must supply one somewhere? HELP !!! Thanks G:uk: :salute:

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hi there,

Just get yourself some 50mm (2") blocks.
You need 10 in all and bolts preform a body lift.
Then get some 8" threaded M12 bolts(threaded fully to allow for any deviations in chassis thickness) with nylock nuts and washers.
I think it was 8", but measure just in case.
if you get them too long, you can always cut a bit of.
I can't check mine for length as i'm out of country just now...

If there's any chandlers or hardware stores nearby the bolts/nuts and washers should be in stock.

Slacken all the existing bolts and do one side at a time.
Look out for bonding straps on the chassis as they can be a bit short.
You will have to do something with the engine bay.
I had to trim the bottom of the fan cowling as it lifts with the car body.
Fits nicely now though.
You may have to trim a little off of the plastic engine cover at the front so that the fan cowling will sit rght.
Just use PLENTY of WD40 to loosen all the existing bolts..!!
It took about 2 hours to do my body lift, and and hour of that was trying to free off the front two body mounts...!!!
It's not difficult, just take your time and jack one side at a time then teighten evrything up afterwards.

These are good cost effective blocks:

It doesn't mater what they say the blocks are for, it's just the length that matters. As long as there are ten blocks and it is for a heavy 4x4, range rover trouper etc etc, then you'll be ok.
just get new bolts and your there.

A word of warning....

Be very carefull of some ebay sellers...
I bought my blocks and bolts originaly from a man tradng on ebay as, "a.e.b-4x4".

The kit was crap. Just like something you'd knock up in ten minutes in your shed.
the blocks weren't squarely cut, the holes were off center and not vertical.
I had to take them to my local engineering shop to get them reworked, that cost me £20 on top...
When i contacted him to complain i got a torrent of abuse and threats through the ebay message system. .
I left him bad feedback, of course.
He then proceeded to call my house and continue to throw abuse because i refused to remove my bad feedback.
Ebay intervened in the end. The man's a nutter. Check his feedback and you'll know what i mean...

So less of the rant.... calm down....
There's a few realy good links on here to body lifts. It's cheap, easy and there's no major mods to any of your running gear.

Post some pics when you're done.

Good luck..

Good post about the body lift but if you just want a suspension lift then it can be done by a pair of leaf spring shackles and adjusting the front torsion bars.

The self leveling suspension sensor may need slight adjustment to compensate for the lift.


Thanks Mate, I will let you know.

hi there,

Just get yourself some 50mm (2") blocks.
You need 10 in all and bolts preform a body lift.
Then get some 8" threaded M12 bolts(threaded fully to allow for any deviations in chassis thickness) with nylock nuts and washers.
I think it was 8", but measure just in case.
if you get them too long, you can always cut a bit of.
I can't check mine for length as i'm out of country just now...

If there's any chandlers or hardware stores nearby the bolts/nuts and washers should be in stock.

Slacken all the existing bolts and do one side at a time.
Look out for bonding straps on the chassis as they can be a bit short.
You will have to do something with the engine bay.
I had to trim the bottom of the fan cowling as it lifts with the car body.
Fits nicely now though.
You may have to trim a little off of the plastic engine cover at the front so that the fan cowling will sit rght.
Just use PLENTY of WD40 to loosen all the existing bolts..!!
It took about 2 hours to do my body lift, and and hour of that was trying to free off the front two body mounts...!!!
It's not difficult, just take your time and jack one side at a time then teighten evrything up afterwards.

These are good cost effective blocks:

It doesn't mater what they say the blocks are for, it's just the length that matters. As long as there are ten blocks and it is for a heavy 4x4, range rover trouper etc etc, then you'll be ok.
just get new bolts and your there.

A word of warning....

Be very carefull of some ebay sellers...
I bought my blocks and bolts originaly from a man tradng on ebay as, "a.e.b-4x4".

The kit was crap. Just like something you'd knock up in ten minutes in your shed.
the blocks weren't squarely cut, the holes were off center and not vertical.
I had to take them to my local engineering shop to get them reworked, that cost me £20 on top...
When i contacted him to complain i got a torrent of abuse and threats through the ebay message system. .
I left him bad feedback, of course.
He then proceeded to call my house and continue to throw abuse because i refused to remove my bad feedback.
Ebay intervened in the end. The man's a nutter. Check his feedback and you'll know what i mean...

So less of the rant.... calm down....
There's a few realy good links on here to body lifts. It's cheap, easy and there's no major mods to any of your running gear.

Post some pics when you're done.

Good luck..

Nice one Thanks alot all the best G.

Good post about the body lift but if you just want a suspension lift then it can be done by a pair of leaf spring shackles and adjusting the front torsion bars.

The self leveling suspension sensor may need slight adjustment to compensate for the lift.


If you want to do a bit of both, then a 2" body lift with a Torsion Twist and extanded shackles ould be the way to go.
KevP is the guy to speak to. Just pm him s he makes 2" lift rear shackles for around £70.
Almost everyones had a set and they'r GREAT....
