Link to the Video, "Stolen Honor" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Link to the Video, "Stolen Honor"


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
86-98 Ranger STX
This is not a debate thread - just a link to the video "Stolen Honor" that has been a hot topic in the press for several weeks now. You can watch it free on this link (legally - by the producing company) and make up your own mind.

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Is this the one that was supposed to be on TV but then Moore complained the FCC wouldn't allow his?

i don't know if it was moore, but someone complained to the FCC. it was going to air on sinclair broadcasting networks.

Parts of it did air. They did kind of a news-broadcast about it and other documentaries. It was on last friday IIRC.


No wonder it never made the airwaves. :rolleyes:

Interesting. (this is not a debate thread ;))
