List of mod ideas.... Input appreciated.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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List of mod ideas.... Input appreciated....


May 30, 2015
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2007 Sport Trac Limited
Hey Guys, so far I love my sport trac! but there are a few lets say aesthetic things that I want to tackle.... I am a DYI kinda guy and hate taking my vehicles in for anything (unless its under warranty and I don't have to pay for it) otherwise I prefer to do all my own work.... Having said that here is my list of to do items... may take a year or so but hey guys gota dream....

Got out of tuning computers (water cooling etc) and now need a new hobby... and thought hey this is about as pricey as modding computers so why not try something new!

So here is my small but long list....

1) Headlights.... part aesthetics part functionality.... I would like to mod them to be projectors, found this kit on ebay and was wondering on everyones thoughts...... or are there better kits out there? also want to do the Halo fog lights but there are so many I don't know what to look for in terms of quality....

2) This one will be costly... I Love the look of the Adrenalin but the fictionality of the LTD (prefer the 4x4 to the AWD) hence it was a big factor in my purchase. So I want to get the Front bumper, headlights (see post 1), fenders (with the intake vents) Rear Bumper and running boards from and Adrenalin and install them on the LTD... Any advice on where to source the parts will they even fit? (I live in Calgary, AB) and secondly... will this be an unforgivable offence to adrenalin owners everywhere? (I wouldn't be adding the Adrenalin badge as I like the LTD and 4x4 ones :p)

3) Remove roof rack bars - how to keep the holes if I ever want to re install them but not have a huge water inlet in my roof. (doubt I ever will, never have before and they are just plain out of place if they are not functional for me)

4) Repair heated seats (not a mod but a to do) if anyone has any experience in this area please post here or PM me!

5) Electric Fan for radiator... found a few posts but none that didn't involve a ton of what i see as needless switches in the cabin.... Would like to see if this can be done without needing to have any type of switches just have it come on and off based on temps hi/lo etc... I also read about a pulley that could be swayed out... is this a mustang only thing or would it also be for our v8s?

Thats it for now... As I tackle each mod or to do item I will post photos....

Thanks everyone!

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I have seen the front end on ebay and every once in awhile you will see the back bumper. I have yet to see the side skirts anywhere. I too would like to go with an electric fan but have not tackled it or seen a post that I was willing to follow.

As toddy said you can check ebay for the front end and the bumper, and maybe look around on craiglist in your area to see if anyone maybe has an adrenaline they're parting out.

I thought the AWD/4X4 was just canada/usa marketing and they both have the same transfer case. Anyone want to weigh in on that?

All the adrenalines I test drove were AWD.... And my ltd has the auto 4x4 and High low options

I thought the AWD/4X4 was just canada/usa marketing and they both have the same transfer case. Anyone want to weigh in on that?

you are correct.. no physical difference between the Adrenalin 'AWD' and the auto 4x4 transfer case.. buncha bullshit Ford called the Adrenalin AWD in my opinion...

I heard some STs were sold in Canada as AWD too. Maybe they were Explorers, i dunno, i remeber reading something about that on a forum.
