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Look at this idiot!

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so is that really his car? how can anyone be that stupid and have that car? where would he have gotten the money? what does everyone think? where the heck is he leaving the country for? someone should email him and feign interest, ask him for more details.

thats one of the strangest things i have ever seen, that was written at a third grade level... i just don't get it

My favorite is the part about the performance bullies and the .red engine holder.
Do those performance bullies run fast and get peoples lunch money?:rolleyes:

i just checked that mustang out, actually looks pretty cool haha. that was pretty weird how he wrote it out and stuff, i wonder if maybe he could be foreign already, so he cant speak that good of english or anything? or maybe hes just dumb? prolly the latter


not the sharpest tool in the shed
or should it say
got tha carpets spool in tha head

i just wish there was a better pic of the interior, did anyone else note all the custom interior paint work, i'm suprised they didn't mention it -
8. costum intrearor work be i done in fart brass on skool

Aye, the interior of it leaves much to be desired...

Originally posted by hmood77
9.shifter tag(it teaches you when should you change the speed)


"red belt shoulders"

I called him, and whoever answered the phone sounded like they were wrestling with someone.
Then I heard someone yell "get off me Dad, you're crushing my smokes!!"

I got scared and hung up.

I am interested in the 10 disc cd exchanger. Help me get rid of these crappy cd's and get better one's.

Originally posted by FrankRizzo
"red belt shoulders"

I called him, and whoever answered the phone sounded like they were wrestling with someone.
Then I heard someone yell "get off me Dad, you're crushing my smokes!!"

I got scared and hung up.

rofl thats funny!!! Hey man my smokesssssss

:D I love the fact that it has been up for auction for almost a week and no one has bid on it!

Well, I was going to make a smart ass comment, but you guys got `em all. But what exactly is a "red engine holder?" Then again, what is an engine holder, never mind the color?

But guys, he has cool stickers. Check out my website on my X. I have cool stickers too. They rock. I'd buy that Stang just for those.

Originally posted by Slick
... i wonder if maybe he could be foreign already...

No, foreigners speak different (ask me ;) ) Except if you consider the Bayous, the Smoky Mountains, West Virginia and - well - Ohio as "abroad". This simple mind seams homegrown to me :D

(Actually poor guy :( Just hope he is too stupid for realizing how stupid he is.)

Got to love them Poser's


Curiosity got the better of me so I check to see if this guy had gotten a bid yet. NOPE!

Well, I called him again.
This time I said: "My Daddy says I'm the best french-kisser in the county".
He said: "them's fightin' words"

I got scared and hung up (again).

I thought Toledo OH WAS a foriegn country - LOL

Originally posted by BT4auBURN
I am interested in the 10 disc cd exchanger. Help me get rid of these crappy cd's and get better one's.

LMAO! :D I could use one of those too.

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well you guys took most of the good ones lol but i always find a way to make a smart ass comment (drumroll please) WHAT THE HECK IS A 6.havy duty clutch

not to mention 10.exhust system
