Loud bang, and lost reverse | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Loud bang, and lost reverse


04 GT
Elite Explorer
February 18, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Mustang GT

I have a 2000 Explorer 4x4 with a v6 ohv. There is about 214k on the Ex.
The transmission was rebuilt a couple of years ago.

I was backing up and heard a loud bank, almost like I hit something. Pulled forward, looked around and couldnt see anything, I couldnt even see anything that I had ran over.

Then I reversed with no issue and continued on my way. Next time I needed reverse, it didn't exist.

This is sounding like a $2600.00 repair. Any thoughts anyone? Even if I can speak intelegently to the repair shop, It might help.

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ok, I have manual 1st. I drove to work, and everything seemed ok, minus any reverse (Just have to be careful where I park, ).

I'll see if I can get the exploder in somewhere today.

Just to close this off....
I had the tranny rebuilt. All recommendations on this site were done including tsb's.

It was $1600.00 and is working great. I was told that just the issue could be fixed, but he prefered to do the whole job and offer a 1 year warranty. No warranty with the get in, fix the issue, and get out.

I know this is an old thread but I had this problem on my 91 ranger a few years ago it was the 2, 4, R rod in the tranny. I never ended up fixing it, but drove it for almost a year by jumping 1 to 3 to OD, and limiting R usage. but when put in 2 or 4 or R for longer periods of time the shifter would sieze up.
